Key to species of genus Quasimelita

1. Eyes absent, antenna 1 as long as body length............................ Quasimelita abyssorum (Stephensen, 1944)

- Eyes present, antenna 1 shorter than body length............................................................ 2

2. Pleon segments with dorsal carination.................................................................... 3

- Pleon segments without dorsal carination.................................................................. 5

3. Pleon segments 1–3 with one large central tooth and two small lateral teeth each............. Quasimelita tolyza sp. nov.

- Only pleon segments 2–3 with one central tooh each......................................................... 4

4. Anterior head lobe large, rounded, coxa 1 not serrated, with rounded anterior corner, basis of pereopod 7 linear.................................................................................. Quasimelita formosa (Murdoch, 1885)

- Anterior head lobe truncated (Fig. 16 c), coxa 1 serrated, with pointed anterior corner, basis of pereopod 7 expanded, with rounded posterior wing.................................................. Quasimelita serraticoxae sp. nov. (part)

5. Anterior head lobe large, rounded, coxa 1 not serrated, with rounded anterior corner................................ 6

- Anterior head lobe truncated (Fig. 16 c), coxa 1 serrated, with pointed anterior corner...................................................................................................... Quasimelita serraticoxae sp. nov. (part)

6. Outer ramous of uropod 3 is short, slightly longer than peduncle length......... Quasimelita quadrispinosa (Vosseler, 1889)

- Outer ramous of uropod 3 is long, 2.9–3.3 times as long as peduncle....................... Quasimelita jarettii sp. nov.