Quasimelita formosa (Murdoch, 1885)

Melita formosa Murdoch, 1885: 520.— Stebbing, 1906: 427.— Gurjanova, 1951: 748.— Shoemaker, 1955: 50.— Karaman, 1981: 40.— Barnard and Barnard, 1983: 665.

Quasimelita formosa (Murdoch, 1885) — Jarret & Bousfield, 1996: 38.

Distributed throughout the shelf of Sakhalin Island (Budnikova and Bezrukov, 2003; Dzhurinskyi, 2013; our data) (Fig. 1). Also known from northern Japan and widely distributed across the Siberian and Canadian Arctic. Q. formosa was found between 70–300 m on the silty bottom with a constant low temperature (- 1.2 —+ 0.5 °C). Specimens collected оutside the Sakhalin shelf occur in depths to 480 m (Jarrett and Bousfield, 1996).

Remarks. Jarrett and Bousfield (Jarrett and Bousfield, 1996: fig. 23) incorrectly described pereopods 1 and 2 in males of Q. quadrispinosa (Jarrett and Bousfield, 1996: p. 38, fig. 22), which is identical to the Q. formosa.