Family Solemyidae Gray, 1840

Remarks. Scarlato & Starobogatov (1979) introduced the family Acharacidae based on the type genus Acharax Dall, 1908, but most authors consider this synonymous with the more familiar family Solemyidae Gray, 1840. Acharacidae was recognized by Amler (1999) in his bivalve classification, but it was moved to the level of subfamily Acharacinae Scarlato & Starobogatov, 1979, by Bieler et al. (2010). The latest comprehensive synoptical bivalve classification by Carter et al. (2011), followed here, does not recognize Acharacidae, so we place our specimens in the Solemyidae.

Among reports of fossil seep solemyids, Acharax is reported extensively from Japan and southwestern and northwestern USA, with nine species so far having been identified: A. cretacea Kanie & Nishida, 2000 from northern Japan (Amano et al. 2007; Jenkins et al. 2007a; Kiel et al. 2008a); A. dalli (Clark, 1925) from northwestern USA (e.g. Goedert et al. 2003; Campbell & Bottjer 1993); A. gigas (Kanno, 1960) from central Japan (Kanie et al. 1999; Kurihara 2000; Majima et al. 2005); A. johnsoni (Dall, 1891) from central Japan (Nobuhara 2003); A. mikasaensis Kiel, Amano & Jenkins, 2008a from northern Japan (Kiel et al. 2008a); A. stantoni (Vokes, 1955) from south-western USA (Kaim et al. 2014); A. tokunagai (Yokoyama, 1925) from central Japan (Shibasaki & Majima 1997); A. ventricosa (Conrad, 1849) from north-western USA (Campbell & Nesbitt 2004; Nesbitt & Campbell 2004a, b; Campbell et al. 2006); and A. yokosukensis Kanie & Kuramochi, 1995 from central Japan (e.g. Amano & Kanno 1991; Kanie et al. 1992; Kanie 1996; Kanie & Sakai 1997; Amano 2003).

The only other solemyid genus to which seep fossil bivalves have been confidently assigned is Solemya Lamarck, 1818, and these reports are less numerous. They include S. lomitensis Olsson, 1931 from Peru (Olsson 1931), S. sulcifera Cooke, 1919 from Cuba (Kiel & Peckmann 2007), S. cf. angusticaudata Nagao, 1932, from Japan (Kanie et al. 1993) and S. (Petrasma) cf. woodwardiana Leckenby, 1859, from Svalbard (Hryniewicz et al. 2014). Hryniewicz et al. (2016) report older Devonian aged solemyids from Morocco as Dystactella ? eisenmanni sp. nov. The only solemyids previously found in the New Zealand fossil record are Solemya from the Cretaceous (Spencer et al. 2009), but Acharax clarificata Dell, 1995, has been reported from modern New Zealand seep environments of the east coast of North Island (Baco et al. 2010; Campbell et al. 2010).