Published December 31, 2011 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Nais elinguis Muller 1774


14. Nais elinguis Müller, 1774 — new record for Montenegro

Material examined: C1: 0 5.07.2006. (2 ind.), C3: 25.05.2006. (19 ind.), C4: 20.06.2008. (33 ind.), C5: 27.10.2006. (2 ind.), C7: 0 6.07.2006. (1 ind.); 20.06.2008. (177 ind.), C8: 25.05.2006. (410 ind.); 20.06.2008. (4 ind.), Ve: 25.05.2006. (18 ind.), I2: 21.06.2008. (8702 ind.), I3: 21.06.2008. (3628 ind.), rO3: 25.05.2006. (2 ind.), Mr: 23.06.2008. (28 ind.), Vr: 30.08.2007. (2 ind.), Z2: 18.06.2008. (4 ind.), Z3: 18.06.2008. (1 ind.), Z4: 18.06.2008. (75 ind.), Z5: 13.07.2007. (3 ind.), Sl3: 5.08.2005. (2 ind.), Sl7: 28.09.2005. (7 ind.), Sl13: 9.10.2005. (5 ind.).

Distribution in neighbouring Balkan countries: Serbia (Kerovec & Mršiċ, 1981; Jakovčev 1983; 1986a; Maletin et al. 1992; Đukiċ et al. 1997; Markoviċ et al. 1999; Paunoviċ & Jakovčev-Todoroviċ 2001; Đikanoviċ et al. 2008; Paunoviċ et al. 2005; 2006; Martinoviċ-Vitanoviċ 2006), Macedonia (Šapkarev & Vagner 1990; Petkovski 2009), Albania (no data), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Vagner et al. 1983; Vagner & Meštrov 1985; 1988; Vagner 1987), Croatia (Hrabĕ 1973; Kerovec & Meštrov 1979; Kerovec & Mršiċ 1981), Slovenia (Hrabĕ 1973; Kerovec & Mršiċ 1981).

Distribution: Cosmopolitan.


Published as part of Šundić, Danijela, Radujković, Branko M. & Krpo-Ćetković, Jasmina, 2011, Catalogue of Naidinae and Pristininae (Annelida: Oligochaeta: Naididae) with twenty species new for Montenegro, pp. 1-18 in Zootaxa 2737 on pages 8-9, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.203292


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  • Muller, O. F. (1774) Vermium terrestrium et fluviatilium II. Hafniae et Lipsiae.
  • Kerovec, M. & Mrsic, N. (1981) Oligochaeta, III / 1. Catalogus faunae Jugoslavie, Ljubljana, 39 pp.
  • Jakovcev, D. (1983) Contribution to the knowledge of oligochaetous fauna in three tributaries of the river Juzna Morava. II Simpozijum o fauni SR Srbije, Zbornik, 47 - 50.
  • Jakovcev, D. (1986 a) Contribution to the knowledge of oligochaetous fauna in the Veliki Timok river basin. Acta Biologica Iugoslavica, Biosistematika, Beograd, 12 (1), 67 - 77.
  • Maletin, S., Miljanovic, B. & Markovic, Z. (1992) Water quality and distribution of Oligochaeta populations in river Detinja. The 21 st Annual Conference of Yugoslav Water Pollution Control Society " Water Pollution Control ' 92 ", conference proceedings, 152 - 155.
  • Dukic, N., Maletin, S., Miljanovic, B. & Ivanc, A. (1997) Oligochaetes communities of the Danube river and its wetlands nearby Novi Sad. 32 Konferenz der IAD, Wien - Osterreich 1997, Wissenschaftliche Referate, 289 - 292.
  • Markovic, Z., Miljanovic, B. & Mitrovic-Tutundzic, V. (1999) Macrozoobenthos as an indicator of the river Kolubara water quality. The 28 th Annual Conference of Yugoslav Water Pollution Control Society " Water Pollution Control ' 99 ", conference proceedings, 261 - 266.
  • Paunovic, M. & Jakovcev-Todorovic, D. (2001) Saprobic group (sg) distribution as biomonitoring tool - investigation of the Vlasina river watershed, SE Serbia, Yugoslavia. Acta Biologica Iugoslavica, Ekologija, Beograd, 36 (1), 55 - 70.
  • Dikanovic, V., Jakovcev-Todorovic, D., Nikolic, V., Paunovic, M. & Cakic, P. (2008) Qualitative composition of communities of aquatic macroinvertebrates along the course of the Golijska Moravica river (west - central Serbia). Archives of Biological Sciences Belgrade, 60 (1), 133 - 144.
  • Paunovic, M., Simic, V., Jakovcev-Todorovic, D. & Stojanovic, B. (2005) Results of investigating the macroinvertebrate community of the Danube river on the sector upstream from the Iron Gate (km 1083 - 1071). Archives of Biological Sciences Belgrade, 57 (1), 57 - 63.
  • Paunovic, M., Jakovcev-Todorovic, D., Simic, V., Stojanovic, B. & Petrovic, A. (2006) Trophic relations between macroinvertebrates in the Vlasina river (Serbia). Archives of Biological Sciences Belgrade, 58 (2), 105 - 114.
  • Martinovic-Vitanovic, V., Jakovcev-Todorovic, D. & Kalafatic, V. (2006) Qualitative study of the bottom fauna of thr river Danube (river kilometre 1433 - 845.6), with special emphasis on the oligochaetes. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie - Supplement, 158 / 3, 427 - 452.
  • Sapkarev, J. & Vagner, D. (1990) Comparative analysis of the structure and the density of populations of the oligochaetes (Annelida: Oligochaeta) from two tributaries of the river Vardar, Macedonia. Annuaire de la biologique, Skopje, 41 - 42 (93 - 102).
  • Petkovski, S. (2009) Final Report: National Catalogue (Check List) of Species. UNDP Contract: Biodiversity and Protected Areas Consultant (National) within the Project 0 0 0 58373 " Strenghtenening the Ecological, Institutional and Financial Sustainability of Macedonia's National Protected Areas System ", Skopje, 325 p.
  • Vagner, D., Brkovic - Popovic, I. & Popovic, M. (1983) Influence of kraft pulp mill waste waters on distribution and abundance of Oligochaeta (Annelida, Clitellata) populations. Godisnjak Bioloskog Instituta, Sarajevo, 36, 259 - 269.
  • Vagner, D. & Mestrov, M. (1985) Influence of the pollution on the composition and the abundance of Oligochaeta (Annelida, Clitellata) populations in the river mouths of Krivaja and Spreca. Acta Biologica Iugoslavica, Ekologija, Beograd, 20 (1), 55 - 66.
  • Vagner, D. & Mestrov, M. (1988) Contribution to the knowledge of the Oligochaeta (Annelida, Clitellata) of the river Trebisnjica. Godisnjak Bioloskog Instituta, Sarajevo, 41, 91 - 107.
  • Vagner, D. (1987) A contribution to the knowledge of fauna of Oligochaeta (Annelida, Clitellata) of the river Una. Acta Biologica Iugoslavica, Biosistematika, Beograd, 13 (1), 45 - 61.
  • Hrabe, S. (1973) On a collection of oligochaeta from various parts of Yugoslavia. Bioloski vestnik, Ljubljana, 20 (1), 39 - 59.
  • Kerovec, M. & Mestrov, M. (1979) The populations of Oligochaeta in the biocoenoses of the river Sava (598 - 751.2 km). II Congress of ecologists of Yugoslavia, Book of abstract, 1789 - 1802.