Amathillopsinae Pirlot, 1934 stat. nov.

(Fig. 1)

Type genus

Amathillopsis Heller, 1875.


Head. Deeper than long; lateral cephalic lobe subquadrate, head truncated apically; anteroventral margin straight, anteroventral margin moderately recessed, anteroventral margin moderately excavate; rostrum short or moderate length; eyes present (round or ovoid) or absent. Body smooth, or dorsally carinate. Antenna 1 subequal in length or longer than antenna 2; peduncle with sparse slender setae; peduncular article 1 shorter than or subequal to article 2; article 2 longer than article 3; article 3 shorter than article 1; accessory flagellum short or minute, 1 ­ or 2 ­articulate; calceoli present. Antenna 2 medium length; peduncle with sparse slender setae or none; flagellum shorter than or as long as peduncle.

Pereon. Coxae 1–4 longer than broad, overlapping, coxae 1–3 or coxae 1–4 ventrally acute. Coxae 1–3 similar in size or progressively larger. Gnathopod 1 subchelate; carpus shorter than or subequal to propodus; propodus with or without peg­like robust setae along palmar margin. Gnathopod 2 subchelate; coxa smaller than but not hidden by coxa 3 or subequal to but not hidden by coxa 3; carpus short, shorter than propodus. Pereopods some or none prehensile. Pereopod 4 coxa ventrally acute, with or without small posteroventral lobe. Pereopod 5 coxa equilobate, with posteroventral lobe or with acute posterodistal lobe; basis slightly expanded or linear. Pereopod 6 subequal in length to, or longer than pereopod 7; basis slightly expanded or linear. Pereopod 7 shorter than or subequal in length to pereopod 5; basis slightly expanded or linear.

Pleon. Urosome urosomite 1 carinate, urosomites 1–2 carinate or urosomites not carinate. Uropods 1–2 apices of rami without robust setae. Telson notched, emarginate or entire; dorsal or lateral robust setae absent; apical robust setae absent.

Generic composition

Amathillopsis Heller, 1875.


Amathillopsinae differ from cleonardopsines in having acute coxae and an entire or emarginate telson and from the parepimeriines in having subchelate gnathopods and no apical robust setae on uropods 1 and 2.

