Ctenoplusia accentifera (Lefèbvre, 1827)

(Fig. 32)

Material examined. Oromia Region, Ketebe. 1900 m. V. 2009. Leg. Kravchenko V.; Oromia Region, Guder. 2000 m. V. 2009. Leg. Kravchenko V.

Literature. Behounek et al. 2010; Dufay & Laporte 1977; Fletcher 1963; Goater et al. 2003; Hacker 1999; Hacker et al. 2001; Hacker et al. 1999; Wiltshire 1990.

General distribution pattern. Widespread in Mediterranean basin in Levant and in Arabian Peninsula. Migrates as far north as the British Isles. In tropical and subtropical Africa: Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Madagascar, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda.

Distribution in Ethiopia. Throughout medium elevations (especially Shewa region). Common.

Host plants. Recorded on different herbs including Mentha and Coleus spp. (both Lamiaceae).