Glenognatha patriceae new species

(Figs. 56 –59, 132)

Types. Male holotype from Hacienda San Pedro, Alto Queremal, Dagua, Valle del Cauca, Colombia, 3º29´N, 76º42´W, elev. 1800m, 21.ix.2009, J. Cabra leg., deposited in ICN 5987; Paratypes: same data as the holotype, 4♂ 19♀ deposited in ICN 5986; 1♂ 1♀ deposited in IBSP 163858.

Etymology. The species epithet is in memory of the first author’s mother, Patricia García Pinilla. The name is a noun in genitive.

Diagnosis. Males of G. patriceae resemble those of G. gaujoni and G. globosa by the presence of thin pleural bars between coxae II–III (Fig. 56C) and by the slender palpal tibia (longer than 1.5 times the maximum tibia width) (Figs. 58 A, E). It can be distinguished from the former by the absence of scale-like projections in the embolus (Figs. 58D, 59B–C) and from the latter by the thin distal projection of the conductor lamina (Figs. 58B–C, 59B–C). Females can be easily distinguished from all other Glenognatha species (except G. gaujoni) by the presence of cheliceral ectal apophysis (Figs. 57D–F); distinguished from G. gaujoni by the absence of anterior tooth (Fig. 57D).

Male (holotype). Habitus as in Figures 56 A –D. Carapace pale brown, darker along furrows. Sternum pale brown, darker on sides. Abdomen oval, dorsally with irregular pattern of two longitudinal dusky bands on sides. Silver guanine spots scattered in two median longitudinal bands and on lateral surfaces. Venter with a pale black median band and two lateral lighter bands with scattered silver guanine spots. Legs yellow-brownish. Tracheal spiracle well-sclerotized. Pleural bars between coxae I–II, II–III and III–IV. Total length 3.6. Cephalothorax 1.75 long, 1.30 wide, 0.90 high. Abdomen 2.15 long, 1.55 wide, 1.45 high. Sternum 0.90 long, 0.90 wide. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.12. ALE 0.10. PME 0.15. PLE 0.10. AME-AME 0.10, AME-ALE 0.15, PME-PME 0.21, PME-PLE 0.12, ALE-PLE 0.01. Clypeus height 1.2. Chelicerae slightly lighter than the cephalothorax and anteriorly projected (Fig. 56B). Six promarginal and eight retromarginal teeth. Ret1 on the posterior surface (Figs.

57B–C). Leg measurements: femur 3.20, patella 0.75, tibia 3.25, metatarsus 3.35, tarsus 1.65, total 12.20; II: 3.00, 0.65, 3.00, 2.90, 1.40, 10.95; III: 2.00, 0.40, 1.30, 1.40, 0.55, 5.65; IV: 2.55, 0.50, 2.05, 2.10, 0.87, 8.07. DTS 0.50. DTE 0.65. Palp as in Figures 58E–H. Palp tibia longer than wide (Fig. 58 A, E). Conductor lamina distal end thin (Figs. 58B–C, 59B–C). Embolus tip nearly 180º curved (Figs. 58D, 59 A –C).

F IGURE 59. Glenognatha patriceae new species. A –C, male left palp. A, ventral. B, embolus and conductor, ventral. C, embolus and conductor, dorsal. D–G, female genitalia. D, dorsal. E, ventral. F, lateral. G, uterus externus distal portion. H–K, female tracheal system. H, dorsal, whole montage. I, dorsal. J, median and lateral trunks. K, median trunk transversal cut. Scale bars, 100 µm (A –F, H–J), 20 µm (G, K). C: conductor. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. EMg: embolic medial groove. LT: lateral trunk. MC: membranous chamber. MT: median trunk. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum. UE: uterus externus.

Female (paratype ICN 5986). Coloration and general habitus as in male (Figs. 56E–H). Pleural bars between coxae I–II, II–III and III–IV. Total length 4.8. Cephalothorax 2.05 long, 1.50 wide, 1.05 high. Abdomen 3.25 long, 2.55 wide, 2.45 high. Sternum 0.95 long, 0.90 wide. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.10. ALE 0.10. PME 0.17. PLE 0.12. AME-AME 0.10, AME-ALE 0.12, PME-PME, 0.17 PME-PLE 0.15, ALE-PLE 0.02. Clypeus height 1.30. Chelicerae slightly lighter than the cephalothorax. Five promarginal and eight retromarginal teeth. Ectal apophysis well developed (Figs. 57D–F). Leg measurements: I: femur 3.40, patella 0.70, tibia 3.45, metatarsus 3.35, tarsus 1.70, total 12.60; II: 3.25, 0.70, 3.05, 3.00, 1.40, 11.40; III: 1.85, 0.50, 1.55, 1.35, 0.55, 5.80; IV: 2.50, 0.50, 2.00, 2.10, 0.90, 8.00. DTS 0.70. DTE 0.55. Tracheal system as in Figures 59H–K. Genitalia without spermathecae (Figs. 59D–G). UE distal portion tubiform (Figs. 59D–G).

Variation. Male total length 3.9–4.3 (N =10; average 4.1), cephalothorax length 1.5–2.0 (N = 10; average 1.8), femur I length 3.2–3.7 (N = 10; average 3.4). Female total length 3.5–5.0 (N = 10; average 4.4), cephalothorax length 1.5–2.2 (N = 10; average 1.8), femur I length 3.0–4.0 (N = 10; average 3.4).

Distribution. Known from Valle del Cauca, Risaralda and Nariño states in Colombia (Fig. 132).

Additional material examined (N = 85). COLOMBIA: Quindio: Filandia, [4º40´N, 75º40´W], elev. [1758m], 4.viii.2012, N. Hazzi leg., 5♀ 1♂ 4 immature (ICN 5998); 2♀ 2♂ (IBSP 163859). Nariño: Barbacoas, Altaquer, Reserva Río Ñambi, [1º18´N, 78º5´W], elev. 1440m, 12.iv.2010, E. Flórez y Est. Tax. Animal UN leg., 2♀ 1♂ 1 immature (ICN 4505); 10.x.2009, E. Flórez y Est. Tax. Animal UN leg., 1♀ 2 immature (ICN 4408); 20.x.2012, N. Hazzi leg., 5♀ 1♂ 2 immature (ICN 5999). Risaralda: Mistrato, San Antonio del Chambi, La Estrella Arcacay, [5º17´N, 75º53´W], elev. 900m – 1100m, 31.iii–1.iv.1992?, Estud. Biol. UNAL leg., 1♀ (ICN 1078b). Valle del Cauca: Cali, El Palomar, [3º32´N, 76º36´W], elev. [1700m], 17.i.2013, J. Cabra & D. Rodríguez leg., 1♂ (ICN 5994); Cali, PNN Los Farallones, [3º15´N, 76º39´W], elev. 2050m, 2.iv.2000, M. M. Medina leg., 2♂ (ICN 4317); Cali, El Topacio, [3º19´N, 76º38´W], elev. [1624m], 6.i.2011, N. Hazzi leg., 1♀ 3♂ (ICN 5996); Dagua, same data as holotype, 37 immature (ICN 5988); La Cumbre, Vereda Chicoral, 3º34´N, 76º35.6´W, elev. 1800m – 2100m, ix.2009, J. Mendez leg., 1 immature (ICN 5989); Pance, ca. Topacio, [3º20´10.73´´N, 76º36´5.04´´W], elev. [1430m], viii.2011, N. Hazzi leg., 1♀ (ICN 5990). Pance, 3º19´41´´N, 76º38´12´´W, elev. 1624m, 2.i.2012, N. Hazzi leg., 2♀ 3♂ 4 immatures (ICN 5997).