Glenognatha mendezi new species

(Figs. 45–49, 132)

Types. Male holotype from Hacienda San Pedro, Alto Queremal, Dagua, Valle del Cauca, Colombia, 3º29´5.42´´N, 76º42´W, elev. 1800m, 21.xi.2009, J. Méndez leg., deposited in ICN 5981; Paratypes: 11♂ 9♀ from the type locality, 21–26.xi.2009, J. Cabra leg., deposited in ICN 5982; 1♀ from Río Dagua, Queremal, Valle del Cauca, Colombia, [3º30´N, 76º43´W], elev. [1512m],, deposited in MCZ 92671; 1♂ 1♀ from Vereda Chicoral, La Cumbre, Valle del Cauca, Colombia, 3º34´N, 76º35.6´W, elev. 1800–2100m, 31.x.2009, J. Méndez leg., deposited in IBSP 163857; 3♂ 1♀ from Bosque Integral Otonga, 4.5 Km from San Francisco de las Pampas, Cotopaxi, Ecuador, 0º25´17.3´´N, 78º58´56.9´´W, elev. 1670m, 8.xii.2009, A. J. Santos leg., deposited in UFMG 8975.

Etymology. The species epithet is in honor of Javier Méndez Narváez, collector of the holotype, esteemed colleague and friend. The name is a noun in genitive.

Diagnosis. Males of G. mendezi can be distinguished from all other Glenognatha species by having the Ret1 adjacent to the fang articulation (Fig. 46B). Females are diagnosed by having few gland ducts (two to four) in the spermathecae (Figs. 48E–F).

Male (holotype). Habitus as in Figures 45 A –D. Carapace yellow-brownish. Sternum dusky brown with darker edges and dusky bands oriented to the median region. Abdomen oval, with irregular pattern of two lateral black bands darker at posterior region. Silver guanine spots scattered in two longitudinal bands dorsally and in lateral surfaces. Venter without guanine spots. Legs brownish tan. Total length 2.39. Cephalothorax 0.97 long, 0.78 wide, 0.67 high. Abdomen 1.40 long, 0.88 wide, 0.92 high. Sternum 0.50 long, 0.52 wide. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.06. ALE 0.05. PME 0.07. PLE 0.04. AME-AME 0.05, AME-ALE 0.1, PME-PME 0.09, PME-PLE 0.09, ALE-PLE 0.01. Clypeus height 2.50. Chelicerae with the same coloration of the cephalothorax, divergent, with three promarginal and four retromarginal teeth (Figs. 46 A –C). Ret 1 adjacent to the fang articulation (Fig. 46B). Leg measurements: I: femur 1.80, patella 0.35, tibia 1.92, metatarsus 1.72, tarsus 0.90, total 6.70; II: 1.72, 0.35, 1.77, 1.50, 0.80, 6.15; III: 1.15, 0.25, 0.77, 0.85, 0.47, 3.50; IV: 1.47, 0.25, 1.17, 1.07, 0.50, 4.47. DTS 0.18. DTE 0.67. Epiandrous fusules as in Figure 49M. Spinnerets as in Figures 49I –L. Palp as in Figures 47E–H. Embolus tip S-shaped (Figs. 47 A, D, 49F), with projection beyond embolic opening (Fig. 49H).

Female (paratype ICN 5982). Coloration and general habitus as in male (Figs. 45E–H). Sternum dusky brown with darker edges. Venter with a lighter patch between the gonopore and the openings of the book lungs. Total length 2.27. Cephalothorax 0.95 long, 0.78 wide, 0.55 high. Abdomen 1.32 long, 1.15 wide, 1.20 high. Sternum 0.50 long, 0.52 wide. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.06. ALE 0.05. PME 0.07. PLE 0.04. AME-AME 0.05, AME-ALE 0.09, PME-PME 0.1, PME-PLE 0.09, ALE-PLE 0.01. Clypeus height 2.08. Chelicerae with the same coloration of the cephalothorax, with three promarginal and four retromarginal teeth (Figs. 46D–F). Leg measurements: I: femur 1.65, patella 0.35, tibia 1.77, metatarsus 1.50, tarsus 0.80, total 6.07; II: 1.50, 0.35, 1.77, 1.50, 0.80, 5.92; III: 1.00, 0.25, 0.77, 0.97, 0.47, 3.47]; IV: 1.45, 0.22, 1.20, 1.02, 0.47, 4.37. DTS 0.16. DTE 0.39. Tracheal system as in Figures 48G–J. Uterus externus with a median projection (Figs. 48 A, C).

Variation. Male total length 1.8-2.2 (N = 10; average 2.0), cephalothorax length 0.7-1.0 (N = 10; average 0.9), femur I length 1.3-2.0 (N = 10; average 1.6). Female total length 1.7-2.4 (N = 10; average 2.2), cephalothorax length 0.7-1.0 (N = 10; average 0.9), femur I length 1.2-1.6 (N = 10; average 1.4). Male specimens from Costa Rica and Nariño state in Colombia have short and less divergent chelicerae.

Distribution. Known from southwestern Colombia, northwestern Ecuador and Costa Rica (Fig. 132).

Additional material examined (N = 81). COSTA RICA: Punta Arenas / Alajuelas: Monte Verde Biological Reserve, [10º18´25.36´´N, 84º48´34.36´´W], elev. [1431m], 2.ii.1979, J. Coddington leg., 5♂ (MCZ 125511); Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, [10º18´N, 84º48´W], elev. 1580m, vii.1978, C. L. Craig & P. Klass leg., 1♂ (MCZ 125510). San José: Rio Hondura, 10º N, 84º´W, elev. 1200m, 30.iii.1991, W. Eberhard leg., 3♂ (MCZ 125522); iii.1986, W. Eberhard leg., 1♀ (MCZ 125475). COLOMBIA: Nariño: Barbacoas, Altaquer, Reserva Ñambi, [1º15´N, 78º7´W], elev. 1450m, 10.iv.2010, E. Flórez y Est. Tax. Animal UN leg., 2♂ 2♀ (ICN 4501); Ricaurte, R. N. La Planada, [1º34´10´´N, 77º31´12´´W], elev. 1850m, 13.i.1992, C. Valderrama leg., 1♂ (ICN 4519); Ricaurte, R. N. La Planada, [1º34´10´´N, 77º31´12´´W], elev. 1850m, 23.i.1992, C. Valderrama leg., Bosque nublado, tela casi horizontal sobre hojas grandes a 130cm del suelo, diámetro tela 7cm, 2♀ (ICN 4495); [Ricaurte], La Planada, 7km S. Chocones, [1º30´7.59´´N, 77º31´27.98´´W], elev. 1800m, vii.1986, W. Eberhard leg., 1♂ (MCZ 125509), 4♂ 4♀ 1 immature (MCZ 125508); 1♀ (MCZ 125507). Valle del Cauca: Cali, Bosque San Antonio, 3º37´N, 76º34´W, elev. 1800–2100m, ix.2009, J. Cabra leg., 1♂ (ICN 5983); La Cumbre, Vereda Chicoral, 3º34´N, 76º35.6´W, elev. 1800–2100m, ix.2009, J. Mendez leg., 4♂ 4♀ 3 immature (ICN 5984); 31.x.2009, J. Mendez leg., 14♂ 22♀ 4 immature (ICN 5985); ca. El Saladito, [3º29´1.29´´N, 76º36´52.32´´W], elev. 1800m, 1♂ (MCZ 125506).