Harpypalpoides hirundinoides sp. nov.

(Figs. 10, 16 C)

Description. FEMALE (holotype, Fig. 10). Body 185 long and 160 wide. Gnathosoma 55 long. Palp femur-genu 27 long and 25 wide. Lengths of palpalae: dF 35, dG 13, l”G 6. Idiosoma 165 long, its striated cuticle without microscales. Propodonotal shield 80 long and 105 wide. Posterior part of propodonotal shield with ornamentation between setal bases e 1. Distinct U-shaped striae present immediately anterior to setae ag. Setae vi, ve, si, and d 1, e 1 and e 2 smooth, c 2, f 1, f 2, h 1, and h 2 distinctly serrate. Setae h 2 situated distinctly posterior to level of setal bases h 1. Lengths of idiosomal setae: vi 40, ve 45, si 37, d 1 45, c 2 43, e 1 23, e 2 25, f 1 50, f 2 45, h 1 and h 2 about 48. Femur I with 3 setae (d, v’, and v” present), femur II with 2 setae (v’, and v” present). Setae dF I and dTr III, dTr IV serrate, vTr III, vTr IV, vF III, and vF IV smooth. Setae vTr III and vTr IV subequal to setae vF III and vF IV, respectively.

MALE (3 paratypes, Fig. 16 C). Body 160–170 long and 160 wide. Gnathosoma about 50 long. Palp about 30 long and 30 wide. Lengths of palpalae: dF about 16, dG about 6, l”G about 8. Idiosoma 135–145 long, its striated cuticle without microscales. Propodonotal shield about 60 long and 85 wide. Setae vi situated posterior to ve, distance between levels of setal bases vi and ve about 5. Distance ve–ve very short, 9 –10, 1– 1.7 times longer than distance vi–vi, 6–9. Setae si, d 1, and e 2 smooth, c 2, f 1, h 1, and h 2 serrate. Distance between levels of setal bases e 1 and g 1 about 6, between g 1 and g 2 about 5. Lengths of idiosomal setae: si and d 1 13–15, e 2 about 10, c 2 25–30, f 1, h 1, and h 2 25–30. Genital opening situated posterior to level of setal bases d 1. Leg setation as in female.

Type material. Female holotype (OSAL 0082920) and 14 male paratypes (OSAL 0082921–0082933) [most in bad condition] from Hirundo rustica Linnaeus (Hirundinidae), THE NETHERLANDS: Noord Brabant, Schaijk, 51.75 °N 5.63 °E (GEOnet), coll. N.J. Kok.

Holotype deposition. OSAL.

Etymology. The species name is derived from the generic name of the host.

Differential diagnosis. This species is closely related to H. lesickii and H. namibiensis. In these species, the dorso-idiosomal striae are without scales and setae dTr III are serrate. H. hirundinoides sp. nov. differs from these two species by the following features. In females of H. hirundinoides, the propodonotal shield is slightly ornamented near the posterior margin (between setal bases e 1), the hysterosomal venter shows U-shaped striae immediately anterior to ag; in males, distance ve-ve is very short, less than 10. In females of H. lesickii and H. namibiensis, the propodonotal shield is devoid of ornamentation, the hysterosomal venter lacks the U-shaped striae immediately anterior to ag; in males, distance ve-ve is longer than 20.