Sergioneris nagae (Gallardo, 1968) comb. nov.

(Figures 7 F–K)

Lumbrineris nagae Gallardo, 1968: 85 –86, Pl. 35, figs. 6–13.

Material examined. Type material: Paratypes of Lumbrineris nagae (LACM-AHF POLY 1182), South Viet Nam, Nha Trang, Station 124. Non-type material: Philippine Islands, cruise Musorstom 3, station 140, 93 m, 1 specimen (MNHN).

Description. Specimen incomplete, with 71 chaetigers, L 10 = 3.0 mm, W 10 = 1.4 mm. Prostomium conical, longer than wide, with a pair of dorsal longitudinal black bands, with pair of nuchal organs and one antenna in nuchal fold (Figure 7 F); ventrally with large pair of buccal lips. Peristomium shorter than prostomium, rings of similar size. All parapodia well developed first five smaller than following. Prechaetal lobe in parapodia 1–38 inconspicuous, from parapodium 39 digitiform, increasing gradually in length. Postchaetal lobe in parapodia 1–4 short, increasing gradually, from parapodia 5–30 each rounded with a digitate process towards dorsal side, from parapodium 31 digitiform, always longer than the prechaetal lobe (Figures 7 G–I). With small notopodia in all parapodia, with notoaciculae. Simple multidentate hooded hooks from chaetiger 53, with up to 7 teeth, all of similar size (Figure 7 J); dorsal and ventral limbate chaetae in chaetigers 1–71. Aciculae black, aristate, up to four in anterior parapodia and one in posterior. Mandible with shaft separated in a short part of the posterior end. Maxillary apparatus with four pairs of maxillae (Figure 7 K); maxillary carriers slightly shorter than MI, wide anteriorly and slender in middle and posterior end; joined to base of MI. MI forceps-like, with attachment lamella and accessory lamella from base on inner side. MII shorter than MI, with five teeth, with ligament, with broad strongly sclerotized connecting plate from middle of MI to lateral edge of MII, and narrow incomplete connecting plate, from base of MI but not reaching base of MII; with wide attachment lamella along 2 / 3 of posterior lateral edge. MIII unidentate, with wide attachment lamella along entire lateral edge. MIV with a prominent tooth and wide attachment lamella along entire lateral edge.

Remarks. This species was originally described as a member of Lumbrineris; later, Orensanz (1990) considered it as a member of Paraninoe, which Carrera-Parra (2001) demonstrated was a junior synonym of Cenogenus. S. nagae has a completely different maxillary apparatus and cannot belong to either Cenogenus or Lumbrineris as described above. Furthermore, it lacks composite multidentate hooded hooks present in species of Lumbrineris.

Distribution. Viet Nam and Philippine Islands.

A potential different species of Sergioneris was found in materials collected in Australia, but they are in too poor condition to be described.