Dolerus (Equidolerus) pseudoanticus Malaise, 1931, spec. rev.

Table 1; Figs 5, 13–14, 17

Dolerus pseudoanticus Malaise, 1931: 14 –15. Type locality: Klutchi [= Kluchi, Kamchatka, Russia]. Lectotype Ƥ here designated; right antenna missing, left half of the ovipositor (lance+lancet) glued on paper and pinned with the specimen; NHRS. Labelled: " 570 " [pink, printed], "KAMTSCHATKA Malaise" [pale, framed, printed], " Typus " [red, framed, printed], "[pale, framed] Dolerus pseudoanticus n.sp. (Typus)" [handwritten] Malaise det. [printed]; "[red] LECTOTYPUS [printed] Ƥ 2012 DOLERUS PSEUDOANTICUS MALAISE, 1931 [handwritten] M.Heidemaa des." [printed]; " Dolerus (Equidolerus) pseudoanticus Malaise, 1931 Det. M.Heidemaa " [white, framed, printed]. Paralectotypes: 1 Ƥ 13 from Kamtchatka, NHRS; 1 ovipositor slide, USNM (see taxonomic notes).

Dolerus subfasciatus pseudoanticus: Zhelochovtsev & Zinovjev 1996: 360.

Distribution. This species is known only by the type series from Kluchi in Kamchatka (Russia).

Specimens studied. Part of the syntype series (2 Ƥ 13, see taxonomic notes).

Host plant. Unknown.

Taxonomic notes. A holotype was not designated by Malaise (1931). The syntype series of D. pseudoanticus consists of 4 Ƥ and 23 according to the original description. 2 Ƥ 13 labelled as type (" Typus ", 1 Ƥ) and paratypes (1 Ƥ [" Paratypus "], 13 ["Allotypus"]) were located at NHRS and studied. A slide preparation of an ovipositor in the USNM, labelled " Dolerus pseudoanticus, Paratype [in fact syntype], female saw, Acc. No. 47009 " prepared by Ross was also studied and labelled as paralectotype, but the corresponding specimen was not located. The lancet illustrated by Malaise (1931: fig 2.) fits the lectotype and matches also the paralectotypes. This species was synonymized with D. subfasciatus by Benson (1962), but the two are distinct according to their ovipositor structure (see also Table 1). Zhelochovtsev & Zinovjev (1996) treated D. pseudoanticus as a subspecies of D. subfasciatus. A syntype male of D. pseudoanticus was studied and is the only known male of this species (another syntype male was not found). It does not allow assessment of any character variation in the species, but its penis valves differ slightly from D. neoaprilis (see Fig. 17).

resembling Equidolerus species with abdominal terga 2–6 unsculptured / weakly sculptured but widely reddish. * The number of

specimens insufficient to assess character variation.

Clypeus emargination mostly 1 / 2 of the mostly over 1 / 2 of the 1 / 2 of the clypeal length 1 / 2 of the clypeal length

clypeal length clypeal length

Head behind eyes in subparallel / converging parallel / subparallel subparallel subparallel

dorsal view (females)