Tectocepheus velatus (Michael, 1880)

Specimens examined: Cerro Otto - under A. chilensis, leaf litter XI- 2006 (121 i, 32 a), III- 2007 (7 i, 18 a), soil XI- 2006 (2 a), III- 2007 (3 i, 1 a), LLao LLao - under N. dombeyi, leaf litter XI- 2006 (13 a, 6 i), III- 2007 (17 a, 14 i), soil XI- 2006 (2 a, 6 i), Balcón Gutiérrez - under N. dombeyi, leaf litter III- 2008 (7 a), Cerro P. Laguna - under N. antarctica, leaf litter XI- 2006 (48 a, 38 i), III- 2007 (1 a, 2 i), soil (1 a, 3 i) XI- 2006.

Distribution: Originally described from England. Previously reported from the Falkland Islands (Starý & Block 1996). Although the genus Tectocepheus was recorded in Argentina no assignment to species or subspecies was given (Hammer 1958; Hammer 1962 b; Baranek 1988; Salazar Martínez et al. 2007) until recently when T. minor was recorded in the province of Buenos Aires (Fredes & Martínez 2008) and T. velatus in the province of Misiones (Martinez et al. 2009). First record for the province of Rio Negro.