Oxyoppia (Oxyoppiella) suramericana Hammer, 1958

Specimens examined: Cerro Otto - under A. chilensis, soil XI- 2006 (3), LLao LLao - under N. dombeyi, leaf litter XI- 2006 (30), soil XI- 2006 (7), soil IV- 2007 (3), Cerro P. Laguna under N. antarctica leaf litter XI- 2006 (2), soil IV- 2007 (5).

Remarks: Originally described from Argentina. Previously reported from that country [as Oppia suramericana Hammer] in the province of Mendoza (Hammer 1958), in the province of Salta (Hammer 1958), in the province of Río Negro (Balogh & Csiszár 1963), in the province of Santa Cruz (Hammer 1962 b), in the province of Buenos Aires (Denegri & Bischoff de Alzuet 1992, Salazar Martínez et al. 2007).