Eniochthonius minutissimus (Berlese, 1904)

Specimens examined: Cerro Otto - under A. chilensis, soil XI-06 (2), I-07 (2), Leaf litter I- 2008 (2), LLao LLao - under N. dombeyi, leaf litter XI-06 (2), soil XI-06 (5), Cerro P. Laguna - under N. antarctica, leaf litter, XI-06 (3).

Remarks: Originally described from Italy. Previously reported in Argentina [as Eniochthonius minutissimus Berlese] in El Bolsón (Balogh & Csiszár 1963) in mixed forest of A. chilensis and Lomatia sp., and in Chile in Puerto Montt and Peulla in mosses from forests (Hammer 1962 a).