Anthidiellum (Anthidiellum) scutellatum Wu, 2004

(Fig. 3 a–h, male)

Anthidiellum (s. str.) scutellatum Wu, 2004 b: 774, ♂, Figs. 1–2. Holotype: ♂, Xinjing, Usu Xian, Laochepaize, 20.VI. 1957, Guan WANG, IZCAS (examined); Wu, 2006: 124, ♂, Fig. 59.

Material examined. Xinjiang, Usu Xian, Laochepaize (44 º 24 ′N, 84 º 36 ′E), 1 ♂, 20.VI. 1957, Guan WANG (holotype).

General distribution. China (Xinjiang).

Remarks. This species is closely related to A. crassepunctatum (Popov) as Wu (2004 b) indicated. The male is easily distinguished from other Chinese Anthidiellum by the distinctive form of T 7 (Fig. 2 in Wu, 2004 b). Wu (2004 b, 2006) gave the key to the female of the species, but in fact the type is a unique male specimen, and the female remains unknown.