Aysenia barrigai new species.

Figs 2–11

Types: Male holotype and 1 female paratype from Chile, Region IX (Araucanía), Prov. Malleco, Nahuelbuta National Park, S 37 º 47 ’, W 73 º00’, elev. 1200 m, 12 February 2005, leg. J.E. Barriga T., fogging Nothofagus antarctica, in MHNS.

Additional material examined: ARGENTINA: Río Negro: Nahuel Huapi National Park, Isla Victoria, April. 1945, leg. Havrylenko, 2 females and 2 immatures (MLP); Chubut: Los Alerces National Park, Lago Futalaufquen, 2 Km from Villa Futalaufquen, 9 February 1986, leg. M. Ramírez, beating bushes in forest of Nothofagus dombeyi, 1 female (MACN­Ar 13430); Los Alerces National Park, 15–20 March 1974, leg. Bordón, 1 female (MACN­Ar 13467). CHILE: Región IX (Araucanía): Prov. Malleco, Nahuelbuta National Park, S 37 º 47 ’ W 73 º00’, elev. 1200 m, 12 February 2005, leg. J. E. Barriga T., fogging Nothofagus antarctica 3 males, 1 female and 3 immatures (MACN­Ar 13432); same data, fogging Nothofagus dombeyi, 2 males, 2 females and 1 immature (MACN­Ar 13433).

Etymology: The specific name is a patronym in honor of the collector of the type specimens, Juan Enrique Barriga Tuñón; noun (name) in genitive case.

Diagnosis. Males and females resemble Aysenia segestrioides Ramírez 2003 by the general morphology and body coloration pattern (see Ramírez 2003, fig. 23 A) but can be distinguished by the shape and number of cusps of the paramedian apophysis in the male copulatory bulb (Figs 8–9), more developed than in other species, while the female vulva has moderately long copulatory ducts and irregular spermathecae, apparently with two or three internal chambers (Figs 10–11).

Description. Male (holotype): Prosoma length 2.30, width 1.30, more slender than in the female. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 1.30 / 1.25; II, 1.33 / 1.18; III, 0.93 /1.00; IV, 1.33 / 1.28. Chelicerae smaller, less robust than in the female, with two teeth on retromargin, three on promargin. Length of sternum 1.23, width 0.75. Spines: leg I, femur d 1 ­ 1 ­ 1, p 1 ap; tibia v 2 ­ 2 ­ 2 (x­p 1 ­x slightly to prolateral), p 1 ­d 1 ­ 1 ­0; metatarsus v 2 ­ 0­2 (r 1 ­x­r 1 slightly advanced and p 1 ­x­x slightly to prolateral), p 0­1 ­0. II, femur = I; tibia v r 1 ­r 1­2, p 0­d 1 ­ 1; metatarsus v 2 ­r 1 ­ 1 (r 1 ­x­x slightly advanced), p 0­1 ­d 1. III, femur d 1 ­ 1 ­ 1, p and r 1 ap; tibia d 2 ­ 2 ­0 (p 1 ­p 1 ­ x slightly advanced) or p and r 1 ­ 1 ­0, v 0­r 1­2; metatarsus v 2 ­r 1­2 (r 1 ­x­x slightly advanced) or v 2 ­ 0­2, p 1 ap or p 0­1 ­ 1, r 0­1 ­ 1 or r 1 ap, d 0­p 1­ 2. IV, femur d 1 ­ 1 ­ 1, r 1 ap; tibia v p 1 ­p 1­2, r 0­ d 1 ­ 1; metatarsus v 2 ­p 1­2 or v 2 ­p 1 ­r 1 ­p 1­2, p 0­1 ­ 1, r 0­1 ­ 1 or r 1 ap, d r 1 ­r 1­2. Opisthosoma length 2.65, spiracle–epigastrium 1.25, spiracle–spinnerets 0.22.

Color in ethanol (Figs 6–7): Cephalic region uniform brown­reddish margins, ocular area dark, reddishbrown. Chelicerae dark reddish­brown, cheliceral boss paler. Legs brown­yellowish with femur and tibia slightly darker. Labium and gnathocoxae reddish­brown, sternum light brown. Opisthosoma brown with cream pattern, spinnerets white. Venter pale, light cream.

Palp: Tibia short, width/length 0.69, RTA long, acute, wider at base. Cymbial conductor wide. Tegulum basal. Sperm duct with two conspicuous loops on anterior­dorsal margin. Embolus short. Median apophysis apical, hook­shaped. Primary conductor with canal, heavily sclerotized in apical region. Paramedian apophysis with three cusps, two of them heavily sclerotized with common base, closer to median apophysis, third cusp close to primary conductor (Figs 8–9).

Female (paratype): Prosoma length 2.87, width 1.67, wider in front. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 1.30 / 0.80; II, 0.97 / 0.83; III, 0.73 / 0.70; IV, 1.30 / 0.98. Length of palpal tarsus 0.63. Chelicerae very strong, with two teeth on retromargin, three on promargin. Length of sternum 1.48, width 0.80. Spines: Leg I, femur d 1 ­ 1 ­ 1, p 1 ap; tibia v 2 ­ 2 ­ 2 (x­p 1 ­x slightly displaced to prolateral); metatarsus v 2 ­r 1 ­0; II, femur = I; tibia v r 1 ­r 1­2; metatarsus v 2 ­r 1­2 or v 2 ­r 1 p 1, p 0­1 ­0; III, femur d 1 ­ 1 ­ 1, p 1 ap; tibia v r 1 ap, p 0­d 1, r 0­d 1; metatarsus v 2 ­ 0­2, p 0­1 ­ 1, r 1 ap, d 2 ap. IV, femur d 1 ­ 1 ­ 1; tibia v p 1 ­p 1­2; metatarsus v 2 ­ 2 ­ 2, p 1 ap, d r 1 ap. Leg III directed forward. Femur I–III narrow, IV strong.

Color in ethanol (Figs 2–4): As in male, except central region of dorsal shield of prosoma red­orange.

Opisthosoma length 3.99, epigastrium–spiracle 2.73, spiracle–spinnerets 0.30. Epigyne: Lateral lobes slightly sclerotized, their limits with median field well defined (Fig. 5). Copulatory ducts difficult to distinguish, apparently not coiled. Ducts of accessory bulbs long. Spermathecae with apparently two or three chambers (Figs 10–11).

Variability: Spines in males: Metatarsus I, v 2 ­ 2 ­ 1 (r 1 ­r 1 ­x slightly advanced) or v 2 ­ 2 ­0, p 1 ­ 1 ­0. Metatarsus II, v 2 ­ 2 ­ 2 (r 1 ­r 1 ­x slightly advanced) or v 2 ­r 1 ­p 1 ­p 1, p 1 ­ 1 ­ 1. Tibia III, v 2 ap. Metatarsus IV, d 2 ­p 1 ­ r 1 ­r 1 ­p 1 or d 0­2 ­ 2, v 2 ­ 2 ­ 2, r 1 ­ 1 ­ 1. Spines in females: femur I, r 1 ap. Tibia II, p 1 ap. III, v 2 ap, r 1 ­ 1, p 1. Metatarsus III, d 0­p 1­2, p 1 ap. IV, v 2 ­p 1­2, r 1 ap. Some specimens with dorsum of opisthosoma uniformly dark.

Natural history: Aysenia barrigai new species was collected from shrubs and canopy in forests of southern beech species Nothofagus antarctica and N. dombeyi.

Distribution: Known from Chubut and Río Negro provinces in Argentina, and Malleco province, in Chile.