Apionsoma (Apionsoma) murinae (Cutler, 1969)

Golfingia murinae bilobatae Cutler, 1969: 215.

Apionsoma murinae bilobatae: Murina et al. 1999: 826; Pancucci­Papadopoulou et al. 1999: 80–81, fig. 29.

Apionsoma (Apionsoma) murinae bilobatae: Cutler 1994: 196.

Material examined: ESFM – SIP / 97 – 19, T 7, trawl, start: 35 ° 40.3 ' N – 34 ° 39.1 ' E, finish: 35 ° 39.7 ' N – 34 ° 37.8 ' E, 16 May 1997, 275– 337 m, mud, 5 specimens; ESFM – SIP / 97 – 17, T 12, trawl, start: 35 ° 20.2 ' N – 34 °08.0' E, finish: 35 ° 19.3 ' N – 36 °06.8' E, 18 May 1997, 144– 150 m, mud, 2 specimens; ESFM – SIP / 97 – 18, T 13, trawl, start: 35 ° 13.9 ' N – 33 ° 56.9 ' E, finish: 35 ° 15.2 ' N – 33 °57.0' E, 18 May 1997, 100– 145 m, mud, 3 specimens; E SFM– SIP / 98 – 44, T 22, trawl, start: 35 °06.4' N – 34 °00.5' E, finish: 35 °07.6' N – 33 ° 59.6 ' E, 19 July 1998, 90 m, mud, 1 specimen, within a tube of Vermiliopsis sp.; ESFM – SIP / 97 – 16, D 7, dredge, 35 ° 34.4 ' N – 34 ° 26.9 ' E, 16 May 1997, 140 m, mud, 3 specimens; E SFM– SIP / 98 – 46, D 12, dredge, 35 °30.0' N – 33 °09.9' E, 12 July 1998, 600 m, mud, 16 specimens; ESFM – SIP / 98 – 45, D 13, dredge, 35 ° 19.9 ' N – 32 ° 50.1 ' E, 14 July 1998, 210 m, mud, 14 specimens; ESFM – SIP / 98 – 43, D 16, dredge, 35 ° 43.8 ' N – 34 ° 37.3 ' E, 16 July 1998, 300 m, mud with shell fragments, 47 specimens; ESFM – SIP / 98 – 47, D 17, dredge, 35 °08.7' N – 34 °00.1' E, 18 July 1998, 120 m, mud, 35 specimens.

Remarks: Trunk cylindrical or flask­like, 0.7–14.2 mm long, 0.5–1.7 mm wide. Introvert partly everted 12–14 mm long, 0.2–0.8 mm wide. When fully extended, introvert 7 times trunk length. Skin thin, transparent or thick, opaque, furrowed. Introvert with 22–40 rings of hooks; 28–35 µm high, 15–18 µm thick at base. An accessory comb with 4–6 spinelets at base of hooks. Ventral retractors thicker than dorsal ones. Intestine and rectum long. Nephridia mostly orange in colour; one or bi­loped; second lobe smaller than primer one. Nephridiopores located in front of anus. Intestine spiral with 10–24 coils. Papillae on trunk globular, rosette sometimes dome­like shaped. Large adult specimens bearing mammiform papillae. Papillae on posterior part of trunk 5–28 µm long, 5–48 µm in diameter. Some specimens with eggs, elliptical; longer axis 50–80 µm in diameter, smaller axis 35–55 µm in diameter.

Distribution: Western and eastern Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, two sides of Indian Ocean (Cutler 1994). Depth range: 300–1860 m (Cutler 1969; Cutler & Cutler 1987).