Nephasoma (Nephasoma) constrictum (Southern, 1913)

(Figure 3 A)

Nephasoma constrictum: Saiz Salinas 1993 a: 539 –541, figs 2 a–g; Saiz Salinas 1993 b: 90 –92, figs 43, 44, 84 c; Saiz Salinas & Villafranca Urchegui 1990: 1153 –1156, figs 7 a–d; Pancucci­Papadopoulou et al. 1999: 46–47, fig. 12.

Material examined: ESFM – SIP / 97 – 20, T 7, trawl, start: 35 ° 40.3 ' N – 34 ° 39.1 ' E, finish: 35 ° 39.7 ' N – 34 ° 37.8 ' E, 16 May 1997, 275– 337 m, mud, 1 specimen.

Remarks: Body semi­transparent, pale brownish. Trunk 4.5 mm long, 0.5 mm wide at anterior part, 1.5 mm wide at posterior part. Introvert 2.2 mm long, 0.6 mm wide, with small papillae. Trunk 2.1 times introvert length. Hooks not present. Distance between posterior end of trunk and base of retractors 1.3 mm long. Retractors originating from 30 % of the distance to the end of trunk. Spindle muscle present. A distinct constriction present on trunk­introvert junction (Figure 3 A). Large, numerous dome­shaped papillae covering entire trunk; finger­like papillae on posterior part of trunk; 28–33 µm height, 15–20 µm in diameter.

Distribution: Indian Ocean, north Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea (Cutler 1994). Depth range: 75–4350 m (Cutler & Cutler 1996; Saiz Salinas 1993 a).