9. Panurginus mikhno sp. n.

Diagnosis. Panurginus mikhno sp. n. belongs to the herzi- group of species. It is close to another newly described Siberian species, P. alpotanini sp. n.: body pubescence is denser than usually at Panurginus species; labral plate almost triangular (alike at P. obruchevi, sp. n. as well); scutum and scutellum delicately shagreened; S 8 lateral flaps as long as neck. Male of P. mikhno is well recognizable by the wide middle basitarsi and specific shape of pregenital sterna. The female of P. m i k h n o differs from other regional species (except P. alpotanini) by entirely shagreened scutum; from P. alpotanini it can be separated by relatively shorter F 1, F 1 = 1.6 F 2 (P. alpotanini: F 1 = 2 F 2), and transverse F 3 (at P. alpotanini as long as wide).

Etymology. The new species is named in memory of Piotr Savvich Mikhno (Russian: Петр Саввич Михно; 1867–1938) an outstanding public figure, educator and natural historian of Transbaikalia, founding-director of the Museums of Natural History in Kyakhta and Chita; he had collected abundant materials on different groups of regional plants, animals, and minerals.

Geographical distribution. Russia: South Siberia.

Type material. Holotype : 3, RUSSIA, Zabaykalskiy Kray [Chitinskaya Oblast, nom. rej.], Chita, 20 km S Telemba, 5244 ’ 12.35 ”N, 11317 ’06.05”E, 12.VI. 1991, Fragaria sp., TR [Читинская, 20 Ю Телемба, 12.VI. 1991, Fragaria, Романькова]. Paratypes: same data as holotype, 1 Ƥ (without head), 43, TR; Telemba, 10.VI.1991, 12 3, TR; Yamarovka, 5036 ʹ 59.77 ʺN, 11015 ʹ0 2.68 ʺE, 3277 ft., 15.VI.1905, 13, P. Mikhno.

Other material examined. Zabaykalskiy Kray, Nanagry (53 ˚ 23 ˏN; 118 ˚ 29 ˏE), 22.VI.1940, 1Ƥ, A. Romanov (ZMMU); upper Chitinka River, 11.VI.1951, 13, A. Rozhkov (ZMMU). Altai: 4 km NE of Tashanta, SE Altai, mountain tundra, 13.VI. 1977, V. Rikhter.

Description. МALE. Body length 6−8 mm. Shape. Head transverse (0.78–0.82), as wide as mesosoma. Antenna short, attaining tegula; pedicel as wide as long; F 1 elongate, 1.5 times F 2, as long as F 2 and F 3 together; F 2 and F 3 slightly transverse; other flagellomeres as long as wide or slightly longer than wide. Labral plate narrowly trapezoid, almost triangular, basally twice as wide as long, and 4 times wider than apically (Fig. 34). Facial fovea hardly visible, shallow, short, wider than distance to eye. Genal area wider than eye (1.3–1.4), from half length narrowing towards mandible. Fore basitarsus parallel-sided, mediotarsi small, cordate. Middle basitarsus 4 times as long as wide, with basal part narrower and distal 2 / 3 swelled, enlarged (at some specimens, ventral edge outcurve almost doubles width of the segment); sometimes, basitarsus at both ends slightly narrowed (Fig. 39). Hind basitarsus apically slightly enlarged, about 3 times as long as wide; mediotarsi cordate, TM 2 slightly elongate, TM 3 and TM 4 transverse. Metasomal terga with rounded premarginal line and small dorsolateral convexities; marginal zones narrow, slightly depressed, on T 1 ca 1 / 4, T 2 − 1 / 3, T 3 and T 4 ca 1 / 2 discal length. Metasomal Sterna & Genitalia (Figs 32, 33, 36 –38, 40– 43). S 3 −S 5 posterior margins slightly incurved; S 4 marginal zone narrower than on S 3, on S 5 narrower than on S 4. S 4 and S 5 with apical hair fringe short. S 6 as long as wide, with lateral hair tuft large and triangular; apical elevation slightly arched, laterally bidentate, inside densely pubescent; posterior margin straight, at obtuse angle to lateral edge. S 7 basal incurve ca 90 ˚; apical bifurcation wide, arched with rounded bottom; posterior shoulders obtuse, with posterior margin short and straight; disc and neck basally with short keel. S 8 with long, narrow neck bent dorsally at 30−45 ˚; lateral flaps narrow, obtusely rounded, slightly shorter than neck; apical plate as wide as long, posteriorly rounded, with median, longitudinal keel. Gonocoxite with deep dorso-apical excavation. Gonostylus enlarged, twice as long as wide, in cross section triangular. Penis valve on distal half narrow, apically shortly bulging and bent inside. Sculpture. Integument mostly shagreened. Upper part of paraocular area, vertex and frons shagreened, with shallow pits merged or confluent (10−20 µm / 0.2−1); lower part of paraocular area tessellate, with pits slightly larger and sparser (15−25 µm / 0.5−2). Genal area shiny, delicately shagreened or smooth, with shallow pits merged. Supraclypeal and subantennal areas moderately shiny, tessellate, with sparse pits (15−20 µm / 1−4), supraclypeal area medially impunctate. Clypeus shiny, smooth, basally delicately shagreened, with pits about 1−2 diameters apart, medially impunctate (15−25 µm / 1−3). Scutum shiny, finely shagreened, sometimes medially smoother, with round pits deep and dense, about a pit diameter apart, on periphery confluent (10−25 µm / 0.2−1). Scutellum shagreened, with round pits a diameter apart or merged. Tegula anteriorly densely punctured, posteriorly impunctate, shiny. Metanotum shagreened, with round pits about a pit diameter apart or closer. Mesepisternum shiny or matt, shagreened, with shallow pits about a pit diameter apart (15−25 µm / 1−2), on lower part merged. Propodeum shagreened, with shallow pits a diameter or more apart; horizontal part of propodeal triangle matt, rugose, sometimes finely radiated; vertical part shinier than allied surface, with merged pits. Metasomal terga shagreened, with punctures 2 or more diameters apart, on T 1 sparser; marginal zones shinier than disc, tessellated or smooth. Metasomal sterna shiny, densely tessellated, with sparse pores (5 µm). Coloration. Clypeus yellow, lateral angles and margins widely black. Wing brown, stigma and veins brown. Tegula dark brown. Fore tibia anteriorly, spurs, fore and middle tarsi are yellow. Hind basitarsus ventrally yellowish; other tarsal segments sometimes paler. Vestiture. Pubescence denser than at most of other congeneric species. Head and mesosoma with yellowish hairs dense and long. Metasomal terga including marginal zones, with dense, short, white hairs. T 5 and T 6 with dense, long, white hairs.

FEMALE. Body length 7 mm. Shape. Head transverse (0.8), narrower than mesosoma. Pedicel as long as wide; F 1 elongate, 1.6 times longer F 2; F 2 –F 4 transverse, F 5 −F 8 as long as wide or little longer, F 9 1.7 times as long as wide. Clypeus with obtuse antero-lateral corners. Labral plate trapezoid, apically straight, basally twice as wide as long (Fig. 35). Facial fovea straight, getting wider towards upper end, which is more than 2 times wider than distance to eye. Genal area wider than eye (1.3), wide on most of length. Middle basitarsus 3−3.5 times as long as wide, basally and apically narrowed. Hind basitarsus 4−4.5 times as long as wide, basally narrowed, apically angled. Mediotarsi conical, longer than wide. Metasomal terga with marginal zone depressed, on T 1 ca 1 / 4, T 2 −T 4 ca 1 / 2 discal length. Sculpture. Vertex, upper part of paraocular area and frons shagreened, with merged, deep, round pits (10−20 µm / 0.5 −1.0); paraocular area below tessellate, with pits larger (20−25 μm / 1−1.5), on glossy premandibular zone sparser. Genal area glossy, with pits and pores 1−3 diameters apart; on upper half along eye narrowly impunctate. Supraclypeal and subantennal areas shiny, tessellate, with pits (10−15 µm) 1−4 diameters apart. Clypeus glossy, on basal third tessellate, with pits (20−30 µm) 1−4 diameters apart. Scutum shagreened, medially smoother, with dense, deep, round pits about a pit diameter apart, on periphery confluent (10−25 µm / 0.5−2). Scutellum shagreened, medially tessellated, punctured like scutum. Metanotum shagreened, with small, round pits, about a pit diameter apart. Mesepisternum shagreened, with shallow pits 1−2 diameters apart (15−20 µm / 1−2). Propodeum shagreened, with sparse, shallow pits; horizontal part of propodeal triangle matt, finely rugose, vertical part shagreened, shinier than allied surface. Metasomal terga shagreened, with punctures a few diameters apart; marginal zones tessellate. Metasomal sterna shiny, tessellate, with shallow pores 1−2 diameters apart, on S 2 sparser (ca 4). Coloration. Wing yellowish, stigma and veins brown. Tegula dark brown. Spurs yellow. Pygidial plate reddish, apically black. Vestiture. Pubescence plentiful, mostly white. Prepygidial and pygidial fimbriae white. S 4 −S 5 posterior margin with long hairs moderately dense, white or brownish.

Remarks. The specimen from Altai (3, 4 km NE of Tashanta, SE Altai, mountain tundra, 13.VI. 1977, V. Rikhter [Ташанта, 4 км СВ юго-вост. Алтай, горная тундра, В. Рихтер, 13.VI. 1977]), 49 ˚ 43 ’N, 89 ˚ 12 ’E, differs from the more eastern males by gonostylus narrower, 3 times longer than wide (Fig. 44) (at others: twice), and possibly belongs to a different species.