Welcome to the GWTC-3-population data release, associated with the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA paper: The population of merging compact binaries inferred using gravitational waves through GWTC-3 LIGO dcc , arXiv
This is a rather large and complex data release. It is also preliminary - it will be updated when the paper is accepted by the journal. If you see any problems, please alert us ; thank you!
Tables I, II, III, IV, XV, and XVI contain numerical data (the others only contain textual descriptions of the priors used).
The files in table_data.tar.gz
are csv files that can be read in by excel, google sheets, or pandas.DataFrame.
Unpack with tar xzvf table_data.tar.gz
The python notebook snapshot PowerLaw_Peak_DipBreak_Spline_Tutorial.html
is intended to show readers how to load in the data associated with
some of the gwpopulation
-based models used in this paper, and make some plots.
The file paper_figures.tar.gz
contain png or pdf files of all the figures in the paper.
Unpack with tar xzvf paper_figures.tar.gz
The file GWTC-3-population-data.tar.gz
(10 GB!!) contains:
for running all of the figure_scripts.py_requirements.txt
lists the packages that you will need to install in your python environment (see below).tutorials/PowerLaw_Peak_DipBreak_Spline_Tutorial.ipynb
contains the python-3.8 notebook mentioned above.
It is designed to be run in the tutorials directory, with a python environment that includes bilby and gwpopulation.
Note that these are example plots, which don't necessarily correspond to the figures in the paper.figure_scripts/
contains python scripts for making all the figures in the paper from many different sources of input data.utils/
contains some utility scripts used to make figures.analysis/
contains data products associated with many of the analyses described in the paper.postproc/
contains post-processing files derived from upstream data, needed to make many of the figures in the paper.injections/
contains files of signal injections for evaluating search sensitivity. You will need to download those files; see below.o3a_population_data_release/
contains the data release from the paper:
Population Properties of Compact Objects from the Second LIGO-Virgo Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog
arxiv.org/abs/2010.14533, Published in Astrophys. J. Lett. 913, L7 (2021)
You will need to download those files; see below.external_catalog_data/
contains data releases from other GW catalogs. You will need to download those files; see below.Your computer should know how to run make
and latex
(and probably other standard linux-based scientific computing tools). You will need at least 50 GB of storage available.
Download GWTC-3-population-data.tar.gz (10 GB) into your chosen working directory (we'll call it $ROOT
) and un-tar it (tar xzvf GWTC-3-population-data.tar.gz
This will create the directory (folder) GWTC-3-population-data, and all the sub-directories listed above.
After that, you can rm GWTC-3-population-data.tar.gz
if you like.
Set up your python environment, and install GWTC-3-population-data/py_requirements.txt into it. If you are using conda:
conda create -n GWTC-3-population;
conda activate GWTC-3-population;
conda install python==3.8;
pip install -r py_requirements.txt
You can do this in any directory, but it should point to py_requirements.txt. If you prefer, you can do conda install -r py_requirements.txt
instead of pip
Download and install already-public data:
cd $ROOT/GWTC-3-population-data/injections ; ./download_injections.sh
cd $ROOT/GWTC-3-population-data/o3a_population_data_release ; ./download_o3a_population_data_release.sh
cd $ROOT/GWTC-3-population-data/external_catalog_data ; ./download_external_catalog_data.sh
Now run the Makefile: cd $ROOT/GWTC-3-population-data ; make
make -j 4
if you have a multi-core computer). Many of the figure scripts are re-doing long computations.