Actinopus jaboticatubas sp. nov.

Figs 39–41, Map 4

Type material. Holotype male from [19° 30’ S 43° 44’ W], Condomínio Vila Monte Verde, Jaboticatubas, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 23.x.2002, R. Chimicatti leg. (IBSP 113186).

Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition from the type locality name.

Diagnosis. The male of A. jaboticatubas resembles those of A. pinhao (Fig. 32 A–C), A. hirsutus (Fig. 38 A–C), A. ducke (Fig. 35 A–C) and A. confusus (Fig. 44 A–C) by serrated area distal to PAc (Fig. 41 A–C); PA continuous to PAc (Fig. 41 A), except in A. hirsutus. The male resembles those of A. pinhao, A. hirsutus and A. ducke by wider tegulum; with robust BTA, placed medially in relation to a middle longitudinal line (Fig. 41 A–C). They differ from those of A. pinhao (Fig. 31 A–D) and A. hirsutus (Fig. 37 A–D) by legs with few bristles, as in most part of the species of genus. The male differs from those of all other species of group by a combination of a wider tegulum with embolus thinner and delicate; PI bigger than other keels and bending over the PAc; and many cusps on retrolateral surface below embolar bases (Fig. 41 C).

MALE (IBSP 113186): Total length 18.62; Carapace, long 7.37; wide 7.37. Carapace rounded. Anterior eye row slightly procurved, posterior row recurved (Fig. 39 B). Without bristles between AME-clypeus. Without bristles between ALE–ALP and some short and weak bristles between posterior eyes-fovea and lateral eyesedge of carapace. Sternum with eight sigilla fused medially, two distal sigilla more fused than others (Fig. 39 C). Rastellum protuberant, inverted V-shaped, hirsute, without spines apically (Fig. 39 E–F). Chelicerae with 15 denticles widespread along prolateral row of teeth. Prolateral row with six spaced megateeth. Retrolateral row with six megateeth and two denticles between the three basal megateeth (Fig. 39 D). Patella and tibia III with distal crown of well-developed thorns, not interrupted in middle (Fig. 40 A–B). Patellae III and IV with spines on prolaterodorsal face (Fig. 40 A, C). Tibia IV without spines on dorsal surface (Fig. 40 D). Ventral pseudoscopulae occupying 70% of tarsus I, 80% of II and 100% of III and IV. Pseudoscopula of tarsi I and II with setae spaced, forming diffuse group of bristles; on tarsi III and IV, compact. Carapace, chelicerae, sternum, coxae, trochantera, femora, patellae and tibiae reddish-brown; metatarsi and tarsi paler than other articles; tibia of palp yellow, paler than other articles; abdomen pale brown (Fig. 39 A). Eyes: Diameters: PME 0.32, PLE 0.36, ALE 0.48, AME 0.36; MOQ: Length 1.32, front width 3.6, back width 3.16; Interdistances: PME–PME 2.12, PLE–PME 0.16, AME–AME 0.32, ALE–AME 1.08, ALE–PLE 0.72, AME–PME 0.76. Ocular area: OAL 5.25, OAW 4.25, and IF 2.75. Body: Clypeus: 0.37; Fovea: 3; Labium: long 1.5; wide 1.25; Chelicerae: long 4; wide 2.12; Sternum: long 5.12; wide 4.25. Abdomen: long 10; wide 7.12. Leg measurements: I: Fe 8.25/ Pa 3.25/ Ti 4.87/ Me 5.62/ Ta 3.37/ total 25.37. II: 7.75/ 3.12/ 4.62/ 5.37/ 3.12/ 24. III: 5/ 2.87/ 3.25/ 5.62/ 3/ 19.75. IV: 6.25/ 3.37/ 3.5/ 6.25/ 2.87/ 22.25. Formula 4123. Spination: I—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0, d0, p0, r0; ti v1-3-6, d0, p0, r0; Me v4-4-6, d0, p1-1-1, r0-0-2; ta v1-3-3, d0, p0-1-2, r0-0-1. II—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0, d0, p0, r0; ti v1-3-4, d0, p0, r0-0-4; Me v3-2-3, d0, p1-1-3, r1-2-3; ta v2-3-5, d0, p2-3-3, r3-2-4. III—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0, d6-8-26, p0-0-3, r0-0-2; ti v0-0-6, d1-0-16, p0-0-3, r0-0-4; Me v0-0-2, d0, p1-0-2, r0-2-4; ta v0-0-1, d0, p1-1-1, r0-5-3; IV—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0, d16-8-4, p0, r0; ti v0-0-2, d0, p0, r0; Me v1-1-2, d0, p1-1-0, r0; ta v0, d0, p1-6-6, r0-1-1. Palp: PA developed, embolus with three keels (PAc, PI and PS). Retrolateral tegulum with cups below embolar base. BTA developed and placed dorsally in relation a middle longitudinal line; serrated area developed, positioned distal to PAc, next and below the base of embolus; embolar bases thin (Fig. 41 A–C).

Distribution. BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Jaboticatubas (Map 4).