Actinopus hirsutus sp. nov.

Figs 36–38, Map 4

Type material. Holotype male from [28° 15’ 40.19” S 52° 24’ 30.01” W], Flona, Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 1–8.ii.2009, R. Moraes leg. (MCN). Paratypes: BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Itaara, [29° 37’ 35.47” S 53° 46’ 08.53” W], 1 ♁, xii.2006, A. A. Lise leg. (MCTP 20487); iii.2007, A. A. Lise et al. leg. (MCTP 20483, 20484, 20485, 20486).

Etymology. The specific name is a Latin adjective meaning hairy, referring to the hirsute legs, a very notable and uncommon character in Actinopus.

Diagnosis. Males of A. hirsutus differ from those of all other species of Actinopus, except A. pinhao (Fig. 31 A–D), by the hirsute legs. They also resemble A. pinhao (Fig. 32 A–C), A. ducke (Fig. 35 A–C), A. jaboticatubas (Fig. 41 A–C) and A. confusus (Fig. 44 A–C) by the serrated area distal to PAc (Fig. 38 A–C); they resemble those of A. pinhao, A. ducke and A. jaboticatubas by the wide tegulum with robust BTA, placed medially on the prolateral tegular surface (Fig. 38 A). They differ from all other species of the group pinhao by the PA continuous to PI (Fig. 38 A).

MALE (MCN): Total length 17.12; Carapace, long 6.87; wide 6.75. Carapace rounded. Anterior eye row slightly procurved, posterior row recurved (Fig. 36 B). With many short bristles between AME-clypeus. With one long bristle between ALE–ALP and many short and weak bristles between posterior eyes-fovea and lateral eyes-edge of carapace. Sternum with eight sigilla fused medially, two distal sigilla more fused than others (Fig. 36 C). Rastellum protuberant, inverted V-shaped, hirsute, without spines apically (Fig. 36 E–F). Chelicerae with 14 denticles along Prolateral row and five along retrolateral row of teeth. Prolateral row with five megateeth. Retrolateral row with six megateeth (Fig. 36 D). Patella and tibia III with distal crown of well-developed thorns, not interrupted in middle (Fig. 37 A–B). Patellae III and IV with spines on prolaterodorsal face (Fig. 37 A, C). Tibia IV without spines on dorsal surface (Fig. 37 D). Ventral pseudoscopulae occupying 30% of tarsus I, 50% of II, 100% of III and IV and 20% of metatarsus IV. Pseudoscopula of tarsi I and II and metatarsus IV with setae spaced, forming diffuse group of bristles; on tarsi III and IV, compact. Hirsute legs (Fig. 37 A–D). Carapace, chelicerae, sternum, coxae, trochantera, femora, patellae, tibiae, metatarsi and tarsi reddish brown; tibia of palp paler than other articles; abdomen pale brown (Fig. 36 A). Eyes: Diameters: PME 0.32, PLE 0.44, ALE 0.52, AME 0.36; MOQ: Length 1.28, front width 3.28, back width 2.96; Interdistances: PME–PME 1.76, PLE–PME 0.08, AME–AME 0.36, ALE–AME 0.84, ALE–PLE 0.56, AME–PME 0.64. Ocular area: OAL 5, OAW 4.12, and IF 3.37. Body: Clypeus: 0.37; Fovea: 2.75; Labium: long 1.75; wide 1.37; Chelicerae: long 4; wide 2.25; Sternum: long 4.12; wide 3.87. Abdomen: long 8.62; wide 5.87. Leg measurements: I: Fe 6/ Pa 3.12/ Ti 4.5/ Me 4.75/ Ta 3/ total 21.37. II: 7/ 3.25/ 4.37/ 5.25/ 3.25/ 23.12. III: 5.87/ 3.37/ 3.37/ 5.87/ 3.25/ 21.75. IV: 7.75/ 3.25/ 6.12/ 5/ 4/ 26.12. Formula 4123. Spination: I—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0, d0, p0, r0; ti v0, d0, p0, r0; Me v0-0-0, d0, p0-3-2, r0; ta v0-1-1, d0, p0-1-1, r0-1-3. II—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0, d0, p0, r0; ti v0, d0, p0, r0-3-3; Me v0-1-1, d0, p0-1-5, r0-0-1; ta v0, d0, p0-1-3, r1-3-4. III—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0, d2-9-25, p1-3-3, r0-0-4; ti v0-0-0, d1-0-16, p0-0-3, r0-0-1; Me v0, d1-0-2, p1-3-2, r1-0-2; ta v0, d0, p0-3-7, r0-0-4; IV—Fe v0, d0, p0, r0; Pa v0-1-1, d16-12-7, p0, r0; ti v0-1-1, d0, p0, r0; Me v0-1-1, d0-0-1, p0-1-7, r0-0-2; ta v0, d0, p2-10-12, r1-8-9. Palp: PA developed, embolus with three keels (PAc, PI and PS). Robust tegulum. BTA developed and placed dorsally in relation to a middle longitudinal line; serrated area developed, positioned distal to prolateral accessory keel and next to base of embolus; embolus wide and with rounded apex (Fig. 38 A–C).

Distribution: BRAZIL. Rio Grande do Sul: Passo Fundo and Itaara (Map 4).