The zipped file in Dryad contains the data necessary to reproduce the statistical analyses published in the manuscript "Temporal turnover of the soil microbiome composition is guild-specific" in Ecology Letters by Martinovic et al. To run the R code in Zenodo, the zip containing the dataset should be unzipped to a folder and set that folder as working directory in the beginning of the script. The seven datasets in the folder "Odriozola_etal_2020_data": #* Bacteria_OTU_table.csv: Sequence counts of Operational Taxonomic Units of bacteria, subsampled to 6300 counts per sample. #* Fungi_OTU_table.csv: Sequence counts of Operational Taxonomic Units of fungi, subsampled to 3150 counts per sample. #* Bacterial_phyla.csv: Mapping of all bacterial OTUs to their Phylum. #* Ecological_guilds.csv: Mapping of all fungal OTUs to their ecological guild. #* environment.csv: Environmental variables measured in 248 samples. ID Unique identifier of each sampling unit. Substrate Classification of samples into litter and soil. Year Sampling year. N (%) Total N content of litter and soil samples. C (%) Total C content of litter and soil samples. pH pH measured at litter and soil samples. Moisture (%) Total water content of litter and soil samples. Lat Latitude of the sample location. Long Longitude of the sample location. Elevation (m.a.s.l) Elevation of the sample location. #* Vegetation.csv: Vegetation survey of the sampled locations with % cover of each species. Richness Plant species richness of sampled locations. Conifer_dom (%) % cover of coniferous species.