Pleurotomella cf. anceyi Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1897 a

(Figs. 47–48)

Pleurotoma anceyi Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1897 a: 38: Dautzenberg & Fischer (1897 b: 151, pl. 3, fig. 3); Dautzenberg (1927: 33, 49, pl. 2, fig. 19).

Pleurotomella anceyi (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1897): Bouchet & Warén (1980: 35, fig. 90).

Type material: In Museé Océanographique de Monaco.

Type locality: Azores, Princesse Alice (1896), sta. 74 (39 º 21 ’ 20 ”N, 33 º 26 ’W), 1360 m.

Material examined: 18984 [1] OP I # 86; 18985 [2] OP II # 77.

Description: Shell wide and conical, white, up to 6.90 mm long. Protoconch with about four whorls. Protoconch 1 with rows of tiny crosses. Protoconch 2 with diagonal cancellation on the lower 2 / 3 of the whorls, and axial riblets crossed by very fine spiral threads on the upper third. Clear-cut proto-teleoconch boundary. Teleoconch whorls with a slightly concave area below the suture, ornamented with faint fine axial riblets and 1–2 fine spiral threads. Below this area, two undulating acute spiral cords, forming oblong, horizontally oriented nodules on the apices. Additional secondary spiral cordlets, one above the cords and others between and below them. Fine suprasutural cord present. Shell surface granulose. Suture indistinct. Base sculptured by numerous spiral lines. Inner lip reflected over parietal wall. Outer lip thin. Anterior siphonal canal short and narrow. Aperture elliptical.

Geographic distribution: Northeast Atlantic: Azores (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1897 a; Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1897 b; Dautzenberg, 1927; Bouchet & Warén, 1980). Southwest Atlantic: Campos Basin, Rio de Janeiro (this paper). Bathymetry: 1300 m (Dautzenberg, 1927)– 1670 m (this paper).

Discussion: This species does not have the shouldered whorls that are typical of this genus. It is also characterized by a fairly rectilinear profile, wide subsutural area and two undulating nodulose spiral cords. Our material differs from the typical P. anceyi in having two spiral cords, while P. anceyi has three to four cords. Besides, our material has a subsutural cord that is absent in P. anceyi and the nodules appear strong in our specimens. Pleurotomella anceyi and P. cf. anceyi share with P. sandersoni a general profile that resembles a Drilliola. Therefore, P. cf. anceyi can be distinguished from P. sandersoni by the absence of conspicuous axial ribs; oblong, horizontally oriented nodules instead of the small pointed nodules present in P. sandersoni; the presence of a suprasutural cord; and a more rectilinear profile.

Pleurotomella cf. anceyi is reported for the first time in South Atlantic waters. It was previously known to occur only in Azores. Its bathymetric range is also increased. The deepest depth previously reported was 1600 m (Dautzenberg, 1927) and it has now been found at 1670 m.