4. Laimella filipjevi Jensen, 1979

[Filipjev 1922: 179–180, Fig. 36 a–b, as Sabatieria longicaudata (subjective homonym to Laimella longicauda Cobb, 1920, opinion of Jensen, 1979: 94); one male and one female, Black Sea, sublittoral silt. (Jensen 1979: 94–97, Fig. 6 a–d; 20 males, 18 females and 12 juveniles, Northern Øresund (Baltic Sea), Denmark, 27–28 m deep, silty sand and fine sand, Haploop s and Amphiura filiformis community. Tchesunov 2000: 48–49, Fig. 5–6; six males and one female, White Sea, Kandalaksha Bay, 15 m deep, silty sand. Present paper: Fig. 5–7; seven males and five females, southern part of East Sea, 100 m deep, clay)].