Scissurella jucunda E.A. Smith, 1890

Scissurella jucunda E.A. Smith, 1890: 311, pl. 24, figs 22, 22 a. Thiele, 1912 in 1912–1919: 7, pl. 1, figs 12, 13. Thiele, 1925: 8 [42]. Rosewater, 1975: 9. Herbert, 1986: 620, figs 8, 21–24. Herbert, 1987 a: 1, figs e–f. Geiger, 2012: 204, figs 100–107, pl. 3 B (further references). Type loc.: St Helena [probably rafted on kelp from W. Cape]; lectotype in NHM (NHMUK 1889.10.1.1575), designated by Herbert (1986: 621).

Scissurella jucunda [non E.A. Smith, 1890] E.A Smith, 1910: 207, pl. 8, figs 2, 2 a. Bartsch, 1915: 175. Thiele, 1925: 8 [42]. Type loc.: four miles south of Port Elizabeth; lectotype in NHM (NHMUK 1911.8.30.43), designated by Geiger (2012: 204).

Scissurella smithi Thiele, 1912 in 1912–1919: 7, pl. 1, figs 14, 15 [replacement name for Scissurella jucunda E.A. Smith, 1910, non 1890]. Thiele, 1925: 8 [42]. Tomlin, 1926: 296. Turton, 1932: 204, no. 1414. Barnard, 1963 a: 301. Kensley, 1973: 28, fig. 28.

Distribution. Tanzania, Mauritius and southern Madagascar, the south and east coasts of South Africa (southern Zululand to False Bay), St Helena and Ascension Island (Geiger 2012); living LST and shallow subtidal.