Ruspolia sp. “G3

(Figs. 11G, H, 47 G–I)

Diagnostic remarks. A medium-sized, robust Ruspolia, with wings clearly exceeding the tips of the hind knees (Fig. 11H). The stridulatory file is short, distinctly thickened in the middle, with 88 teeth; the teeth in the proximal (closer to the wing joint) end of the file distinctly larger and more widely spaced than at the distal end. The mirror is nearly perfectly circular (Fig. 11G).

Bioacoustics. In Gorongosa this species starts singing well before sunset and continues into the night. The call is a typical for Ruspolia uninterrupted trill with the syllable rate of 112/sec (at 26°C); mean syllable duration 0.012 s (SD=0.00375, n=20), with the frequency peak at 10.5–11.7 kHz (Figs. 47 G–I). The call is loud and readily audible to the human ear.

Measurements (2 males). body w/wings: male 40.7–44.3 (42.52.5); body w/o wings: male 24.9–26.9 (25.91.4); pronotum: male 7.7–8.7 (8.2.7); tegmen: male 31.9–34.9 (33.42.1); hind femur: male 18–19.3 (18.7.9) mm.

Material examined (3 specimens). Mozambique: Sofala, Coutada 12, nr. Nyago Camp, (-18.66608, 35.455603), 16.iv.2016, coll. P. Naskrecki— 3 males (EOWL).