Nettenchelys inion Smith & Böhlke 1981

Fig. 1 c

Nettenchelys inion Smith & Böhlke in Smith, et al. 1981: 555, fig. 8 C, 9 (western Atlantic, Straits of Florida, 25 ° 36 ’N, 79 ° 21 ’W, depth 458–531 m). Holotype. ANSP 142274 (male, 423 mm). Smith, 1989: 603.

Material. Known only from the holotype.

Diagnosis. Anterior vomerine teeth not uniserial; posterior nostril on head just anterior to supratemporal canal; median ST pore present. See Table 1 for additional characters.

Distribution. Straits of Florida, western Atlantic. Larvae of either this species or N. exoria have also been collected in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, the Greater Antilles, and in the Gulf Stream and Sargasso Sea area of the western Atlantic.