Chalarus indistinctus Jervis, 1992

Chalarus indistinctus Jervis, 1992: 325.

Diagnosis: Male genitalia (Fig. 13) with phs gently curved; tdp long and rounded at apex, Lmtdp:Ltdp~ 1.75; only 1 php present; this is almost twice length of mtdp, has a strong marginal rim and is broadened towards its double pointed apex; all ejaculatory ducts placed distally on mtdp; ejaculatory apodeme linear (as in Fig. 23). Female with frontal facets slightly to moderately enlarged (J 92 Fig. 4 C); frons at narrowest point 2.5–3 times diameter of largest frontal facet; flagellum dark brown; legs dark brown but base of femora may be paler; pulvilli of all legs of same size, shorter than distitarsus; hairs on femora, thorax and abdomen dark brown; hind femur with apical hairs of pdsr extending as far as apex; abdominal tergites dark brown; ovipositor as in Figs 71 & 74. See Table 1 for coxI and ITS 2 barcode sequence accession numbers.

Annotations: Males can be readily identified via their single asymmetric phallic process. The female ovipositor is closest to C. brevicaudis but differs, especially in its dorsal aspect, at the transition from base to piercer (compare Figs 74–75). A female paratype was studied (Finland: Le, Kilpisjärvi, 6–13.VII. 1959, Palmgren & Lindberg (MZH)). Jervis (1992) distinguishes two additional male forms of C. indistinctus differing in their pupal stage (Form A) and a minor genital feature (Form B) — these forms are not included in the identification key. Jervis (1992) reared the taxon from Edwarsiana bergmani, E. geometrica, E. hippocastani, E. rosae, Empoasca vitis, Erythria cruenta, Fagocyba cruenta, Fagocyba sp., Ribautiana tenerrima, R. ulmi & Typhlocyba quercus.