Boccardia wellingtonensis Read, 1975

Type locality: Evans Bay marina, New Zealand; 41 ° 18.82’S, 174 ° 47.81’E; in organically enriched sand at low tide, associated with B. syrtis (Rainer, 1973).

Type material: Holotype: Z.W. 1065; Paratype: Z.W. 1066 National Museum, Wellington, New Zealand.

Location and author of most recently described material: 1) Read (1975) 2) part of re-Australian material identified as Boccardia polybranchia (Haswell, 1885) in Blake and Kudenov (1978); material from Macquarie Island and Kilcunda, Victoria (Simon et al. 2010).

Recorded distribution: Australia: Macquarie Island, Kilcunda, Victoria; New Zealand; Chile; Argentina (?); Brazil (?)