P. narval (Fabricius, 1787)

Description. Rostrum slightly curving dorsally, elongate, 2.2–2.3 times as long as carapace, dorsal margin with 58–60 serrated teeth, including 5 on carapace, all teeth on carapace with distinct basal sutures and movable, ventral margin with 41–44 serrated teeth; abdomen smooth and rounded dorsally, pleuron of fourth somite rounded that of fifth somites with small marginal tooth posteriorly, sixth somite 1.8 times as long as maximum height; eye broadly subpyriform, maximum diameter about 0.2 carapace length; 3rd maxilliped slender, overreaching distal margin of antennal scale by ultimate segment and anterior 0.2 of penultimate segment, with epipod, penultimate segment about 1.7 as long as ultimate segment; 2nd pereopods subequal without epipod, not extremely slender or threadlike, bearing 27–29 carpal articles (Kim et al. 2012).

Distribution. Indo-West Pacific, Indian Ocean, Japan, Korea and Red Sea; at depths of 35–910 m (Kim et al. 2012).