Bothromesostoma personatum (Schmidt, 1848)

Synonyms: Planaria nigricans Fabricius, 1826

Mesostoma personatum Schmidt, 1848 Typhloplana nigra Houghton, 1867

Locality. Temporary pool in Lahav, northern Negev.

Material. Many individuals. Live observations, squash preparations.

Ecological features. Bothromesostoma personatum is a springtime species (captured in March 2000), typical of pools and small brooks. Normally this species swims upside-down, attaching itself to the surface film.

Bothromesostoma personatum is well-known in Eurasia, including Greenland (Steinböck, 1932; Luther, 1963; Young, 1970; Mack-Fira, 1974). This is the first record for Israel.