4. Laelaps clethrionomydis Lange, 1955

Laelaps clethrionomydis Lange, 1955: 330, figs 682, 699.

Laelaps clethrionomydis.— Bregetova, 1953: 311; Bregetova, 1956: 108, 116, figs 206, 213; Goncharova, 1956: 201; Lange, 1958: 205, pl. LXXII, I; Strandtmann & Wharton, 1958: 61; Tipton, 1960: 268, figs 24 h, 26 d, 29 d, 32 v; Goncharova & Buyakova, 1964: 381, fig. 3, 3; Zemskaya, 1973: 147; Senotrusova, 1987: 170, fig. 84; Nikulina, 1987: 231, 232, fig. 117, 6; Goncharova et al., 1991: 27; Mašán & Fenďa, 2010: 29, fig. 10.

Type locality. Not stated in the original description (Lange, 1955). According to Bregetova (1953), the type materials were collected somewhere in North Korea.

Type host. Clethrionomys (= Myodes) sp.

Principal hosts. Voles of the genera Myodes Pallas, 1811 (= Clethrionomys Tilesius, 1850) and Microtus (Zemskaya, 1973; Davydova & Nikol’sky, 1986; Mal‘kova 2010; Korallo-Vinarskaya et al., 2015).

Distribution. Europe and Northern Asia, including Siberia and the Russian Far East (Zemskaya, 1973; Davydova & Nikol’sky, 1986; Nikulina, 2004); Korean Peninsula (Bregetova, 1956); Japan (Yamashita & Konno, 1958; Tipton, 1960).

Remarks. The binominal name Laelaps clethrionomydis appeared for the first time in Bregetova (1953) as “ Laelaps clethrionomydis Lange (in litt.)”. Bregetova (1953) did not provide either morphological description of this species or its differential diagnosis, therefore making this name in the combination L. clethrionomydis Lange, 1953 unavailable under Article 13 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.