2. Laelaps alaskensis Grant, 1947

Laelaps alaskensis Grant 1947: 8, fig. 7.

Laelaps alaskensis. Strandtmann & Wharton, 1958: 59; Tipton, 1960: 266, figs 24 f, 26 l, 28 h, 32t, 33 h, 37 a, b, 38 a; Korallo- Vinarskaya & Vinarski 2012: 30, figs 1–7.

Laelaps petrischevae Zemskaya & Lange 1979: 8, fig. 3.

Type locality. USA, Alaska, Jack River.

Type host. Microtus sp.

Principal hosts. In Asiatic Russia—voles of the genus Microtus Schrank, 1798 (Davydova & Nikol’sky, 1986; Mal’kova 2010; Korallo-Vinarskaya & Vinarski 2012). In North America, a range of other host taxa has been reported (Whitaker et al., 2007).

Distribution. North America (USA and Canada), Northern Asia westward to the Yamal peninsula (north of Western Siberia). Zemskaya (1973) mentioned L. alaskensis from Komi Republic of Russia situated in the northeast corner of East Europe.

Remarks. Earlier, we (Korallo-Vinarskaya & Vinarski 2012) established a new synonymy: Laelaps petrischevae Zemskaya et Lange, 1979 was identified as a junior synonym of L. alaskensis.