Family Sebastidae

Helicolenus dactylopterus (Delaroche, 1809) —Blackbelly rosefish

2 specimens were caught at depths between 704 and 869 m. Only one individual of 37 cm TL was measured. Habitat and Distribution: bathydemersal in soft bottom areas of the continental shelf and upper slope, at depth range 50–1,100 m, usually 150– 600 m. Western Atlantic, from Canada to Venezuela and eastern Atlantic, from Iceland and Norway to South Africa and in the Mediterranean Sea. Vulnerability: DD (IUCN), MHV (FishBase).

Trachyscorpia cristulata echinata (Koehler, 1896) —Spiny scorpionfish

1,105 specimens were caught at depths between 709 and 1,323 m. Length data were available for 267 specimens ranging from 12 to 50 cm TL (37.4 ± 8.7). Biometry and meristic: 4 specimens, 392–506 mm TL, 336– 418 mm SL; HL: 43.6–47.1; PO: 11.2–14.4; POL: 23.2–24.5; ED: 8.9–10.1; IOW: 4.7–5.5; PD: 33.5–41.1; LD: 46.7–50.3; PA: 68.7–74.2; LA: 11.2–13.2; PP: 42.9–44.3; PV: 39.3–41.8; LP: 21.3–24.9; LV: 14.4–17.6; H: 29.9– 32.5; D: XII+ 9; A: III+ 5; P: 20–21; V: I+ 5; Gr: 6 + 12–13. Habitat and Distribution: bathydemersal on muddy and sandy bottoms between 200 and 2,500 m. Eastern Atlantic, from Ireland to Senegal, Mid-Atlantic Ridge and in the Mediterranean Sea. Vulnerability: DD (IUCN), HHV (FishBase).