Family Oreosomatidae

Neocyttus helgae (Holt & Byrne, 1908) —False boarfish (Fig. 21) One specimen was caught at depths between 1,410 and 1,427 m. Biometry and meristic: 119 mm TL; 100 mm SL; HL: 35.0; PO: 9.0; POL: 7.0; ED: 19.0; IOW: 12.0; PD: 45.0; LD: 50.0; PA: 48.0; LA: 37.0; PP: 40.0; PV: 39.0; LP: 15.0; LV: 15.0; H: 51.0; D: VII+ 33; A: IV+ 31; P: 19; V: I+ 6; Gr: 5 + 18; SLL: 80. Habitat and Distribution: bathypelagic species along the outer continental shelf insular slope and seamounts, strongly associated with habitats of high currents, ripple marks, slopes, reefs of rocks and gorgonians, at depths from 850 to 1,700 m. Northeastern Atlantic, from Iceland to Madeira and northwestern Atlantic. Vulnerability: DD (IUCN), HV (FishBase).