Family Diretmidae

Diretmichthys parini (Post & Quéro, 1981) —Parin's spiny fin (Fig. 20)

Two specimens were caught at depths between 780 and 1,315 m. Biometry and meristic: 241 and 266 mm TL; 195 and 211 mm SL; HL: 35.9 and 36.5; PO: 6.7 and 9.5; POL: 15.9 and 11.4; ED: 13.3 and 16.1; IOW: 4.6 and 5.2; PD: 42.1 and 43.1; LD: 42.1 and 43.1; PA: 60.0 and 61.6; LA: 42.1 and 32.2, LP: 27.2 and 27.5; LV: 28.7 and 29.9; H: 45.6 and 46.0; D: 27 and 29; P: I+ 17; V: I+ 6; A: 21 and 23; Gr: 6 + 1 + 12. Habitat and distribution: tropical, subtropical and moderate latitudes of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans at depths ranging from to 270 to more than 2000 m, with juveniles from epipelagic to mesopelagic zone and adults collected close to the bottom (Arronte & Heredia 2006). Vulnerability: DD (IUCN), LMV (FishBase).

Diretmus argenteus Johnson, 1864 —Silver spinyfin

Five specimens were caught at depths between 777 and 940 m. Two specimens were 6 and 26 cm TL respectively. Habitat and distribution: bathypelagic at depth range 0–2,000 m, usually 500– 700 m. Circumglobal in temperate and tropical seas. In the eastern Atlantic, from Iceland and British Isles to South Africa, including the Canary and Ascension islands. Vulnerability: DD (IUCN), LV (FishBase).