Family Chimaeridae

Chimaera monstrosa Linnaeus, 1758 —Rabbit fish

3 specimens were caught at depths between 877 and 1,323 m. Dubious identification specially after the capture of the cryptic species C. opalescens also in the bank. Habitat and Distribution: bathydemersal to benthopelagic at depth range 40–1,000 m, generally between 300 and 500 m depth. Eastern Atlantic: northern Norway and Iceland, Skagerrak and Kattegat south to Morocco including western Mediterranean Sea (some isolated records from eastern part), Azores and Madeira Islands. Records from South Africa are questionable. Vulnerability: NT (IUCN), HHV (FishBase).

Chimaera opalescens Luchetti, Iglésias & Sellos, 2011 —Opal chimaera

4 specimens, 3 males of 10, 57 and 63 cm and one female of 64 cm TL, were caught at depths from 903 to 1,450 m. This species was recently described (Luchetti et al. 2011) and could probably be confused with C. monstrosa in previous surveys. Habitat and Distribution: Northeast Atlantic, along the slope to the west of the British Isles and France, from 900–1,400 m depth. Vulnerability: DD (IUCN), HV (FishBase).

Hydrolagus affinis (de Brito Capello, 1868)—Smalleyed rabbitfish

Three specimens, 2 females of 12 and 22 cm TL and one male of 24 cm, were caught at depths between 1,683 and 1,808 m. Habitat and Distribution: Found on continental slopes and down to deep-sea plains, reported up to 3,000 m. Occurs in northeastern Atlantic from the Rockall Trough along Ireland, northern Bay of Biscay and off Portugal down to 22 º off NW Africa, Cape Verde, and Azores. Vulnerability: LC (IUCN), HHV (FishBase).