Genus Micromaldane Mesnil, 1897

Genus Micromaldane Mesnil, 1897: 146. Type species: M. ornithochaeta Mesnil, 1897: 146 –148, pl. 6, figs. 1–4.

1. Micromaldane androgyne Rouse, 1990: 211 –212, figs. 1 a–i; 5 a–b. Holotype: AM W 20207. Paratypes: AM W 20208, AM W 20209, BMNH ZB 1990 4–7, ZMH P 20208. Type locality: Australia. Geographic distribution: Known only from the type locality.

2. Micromaldane bispinosa Hartmann-Schröder, 1960: 221, pl. 21, figs. 182–185. Holotype: not mentioned in original description. Type locality: Red Sea.

Micromaldane bispinosa: Hartman, 1965 a: 69, catalogue; Rouse 1990: 210, key. Geographic distribution: Known only from the type locality.

3. Micromaldane jonesi Kumaraswamy Achari, 1970: 269 –273, figs. 1 a–f, 2 a–h. Holotype: CMFRI 155. Paratypes: CMFRI 156. Type locality: Gulf of Mannar, India.

Micromaldane jonesi Rouse, 1990: 212, key.

Geographic distribution: Known only from the type locality.

4. Micromaldane nutricula Rouse, 1990: 212 –214, figs. 2 a–k, 5 c–e. Holotype: AM W 20210. Paratypes: AM W 20211, AM W 20212, BMNH ZB 1990 8–11, ZMH P– 20209. Type locality: Australia. Geographic distribution: Known only from the type locality.

5. Micromaldane ornithochaeta Mesnil, 1897: 146 –148, pl. 6 figs 1–4. Type: DBAUL, number not mentioned; SAM A 20319. Type locality: France.

Micromaldane ornithochaeta: Rioja 1925: 22 –30, figs. 1–3; Berkeley and Berkeley 1962: 572; Hartman 1966: 67, pl. 22, figs. 1–5; Kumaraswamy Achari 1970: 269, key; Amoureux 1974: 220; Hobson and Banse 1981: 17, fig. 17 a; Rouse 1990: 210, key; Branch 1994: 9; Jiménez-Cueto and Salazar-Vallejo 1997: 1462, figs. 2 a–e; Pascual et al. 2001: 57 –58, fig. 1 a–e; Gherardi, et al., 2002: 133 –143, figs. 1 a–d.

Geographic distribution: Western Atlantic, from Ireland to Canary Islands; Mediterranean and Black Sea; Eastern Pacific; Antarctic Ocean.

6. Micromaldane pamelae Rouse, 1990: 214 –216, figs. 3 a–l, 5 f–h. Holotype: AM W 20213. Paratypes: AM W 20214, AM W 20215, BMNH ZB 1990 12–15, ZMH P– 20210. Type locality: Australia.

Geographic distribution: Known only from the type locality.

7. Micromaldane rubrospermatheca Rouse, 1990: 216 –219, figs. 4 a–l, 5 i –k. Holotype: AM W 20216. Paratypes: AM W 20217, AM W 20218.

Type locality: Australia.

Geographic distribution: Known only from the type locality.