Bimaculatilla Turrisi & Matteini Palmerini, gen. nov.

Type species. Myrmilla invreai Suárez, 1958, present designation.

Etymology. The generic name is derived from the Latin noun “ macula ” (a marking) with the prefix “ bi -“ (two) and the suffix “- tilla ” (commonly used in Mutillidae), and refers to the presence of two setal spots on T 2; gender feminine.

Diagnosis. ♀. Supra-antennal tooth absent; frontal carina touching inner margin of eye; antennal rim mostly concealed within the frons, not visible dorsally; gena (lateral view) convex, bulging, not angulate, without toothlike process; mandible with inner apical tooth strongly curved; T 2 with two weakly defined whitish spots of pubescence (setae moderately dense and partly erect) disposed transversely; spots far from anterior margin of T 2, about in the middle of T 2.

♂. Head moderately convergent toward occipital margin; longitudinal frontal furrow present; ocelli reduced; mandible with inner apical tooth strongly curved; notaulus and parapsidal line absent; tegula reduced but distinguishable; fore and hind wings reduced to narrow flap; T 2 with two weakly defined (setae moderately dense and partly erect) whitish spots of pubescence disposed transversely; S 8 with sides subparallel, without tooth-like process; genital capsule with cuspis of volsella elongate, finger-shaped, apex regularly rounded, weakly convex to flat toward apex, ending about at mid length of paramere harpe, with a weak longitudinal carina; digitus of volsella much shorter than cuspis, about half its length; midventral process of penis valve present, elongate and strongly curved.

Description. ♀. Head mostly blackish, sometimes lighter with antennal rim concolorous with rest of head (Figs 15 A, 15 B, 15 C); mesosoma reddish orange, with lateral and ventral parts extensively dark brown to blackish (Fig. 14 B); metasoma entirely blackish; integument of body coarsely sculptured, dull; head regularly rounded behind eyes, with dense and coarse punctures, without whitish setal spot on vertex and occiput (Fig. 15 A); supraantennal tooth absent (Fig. 15 A); antennal rim mostly concealed within frons, not visible dorsally (Fig. 15 A); A 1 without ventro-lateral carina; A 3 less than or at most twice length of A 2; frontal carina touching inner margin of eye; postgena (behind oral fossa) convex (15 E); occipital margin straight; occipital carina as narrow rim; gena (lateral view) convex, bulging, not angulate, without tooth-like process (Fig. 15 B); genal carina absent; clypeus not prominent, wider than high, anterior margin wide, slightly concave with lateral tooth-like projection (Fig. 15 D); oral fossa wider than long, roughly V-shaped (Fig. 15 E); mandible with inner apical tooth strongly curved (Fig. 15 D); mandible with inner basal tooth (Fig. 15 D); pronotum about as wide as propodeum (Fig. 14 A); pronotum with epomial carina well developed, close to pronotal spiracle; fore coxa without distal tooth-like process; mid tibia with 6–7 dorsal pre-apical spines arranged in two rows; hind tibia with 5–7 dorsal pre-apical spines arranged in two rows; T 2 with two weakly defined (setae moderately dense and partly erect) whitish spots of pubescence disposed transversely, spots far from anterior margin of T 2 (distance between spots and anterior margin more than diameter of each spot) (Figs 14 A, 14 B); T 3 and T 4 with broad pubescent band, entire (Fig. 14 B); S 6 flat.

♂. Head mostly blackish, sometimes lighter, with antennal rim concolorus with rest of head (Figs 15 F, 15 G, 15 H); mesosoma reddish orange, with lateral and ventral parts extensively dark brown to blackish (Fig. 14 D); metasoma entirely blackish; integument of body coarsely sculptured, dull; head moderately convergent posteriorly (Fig. 15 F), with dense and coarse punctures; A 1 without ventro-lateral carina; A 3 shorter than A 4; ocelli reduced (Fig. 15 F); longitudinal frontal furrow present; occipital carina (lower part) as narrow rim (Fig. 16 A); clypeus not prominent, wider than high, anterior margin wide, moderately concave with lateral tooth-like projection (Fig. 15 J); oral fossa wide (width more than length) (Fig. 16 A); mandible with inner apical tooth strongly curved (Fig. 15 I); pronotum with sides subparallel (Fig. 16 B); posterior margin of pronotum V-shaped (Fig. 16 B); pronotum, median length less than half lateral length (pronotum short) (Fig. 16 B); mesoscutum flat; notaulus and parapsidal line absent (Fig. 16 B); transscutal suture well developed, evident (Fig. 16 B); tegula subcircular, reduced but distinguishable (Fig. 16 B); fore and hind wings reduced narrow flap (Fig. 16 B); mesoscutellum well defined (Fig. 16 B); metascutellum reduced (Fig. 16 B); anterior metanotal carina well raised; posterior metanotal carina inconspicuous; propodeum (lateral view) abruptly truncated (Fig. 14 D), as wide as pronotum (lateral view) (Fig. 14 C); mesopleuron strongly convex, strongly rugose-punctate, width of upper part less half width of lower part; mid tibia with 2–3 dorsal pre-apical spines; hind tibia with one dorso-lateral pre-apical spine; T 1 transverse (Fig. 14 C); T 2 with two weakly defined (setae moderately dense and partly erect) whitish spots of pubescence disposed transversely, spots far from anterior margin of T 2 (distance between spots and anterior margin more than diameter of each spot) (Figs 14 C, 14 D); T 3 and T 4 with broad pubescent band, entire (Figs 14 C, 14 D); S 2 with medial padlike process; S 8 with sides subparallel (Fig. 17 D), without tooth-like process (Figs 17 D, 17 E); genital capsule with cuspis of volsella elongate, finger-shaped, apex regularly rounded, weakly convex to flat toward apex, ending about at mid length of paramere harpe, with weak longitudinal carina (Figs 17 A, 17 B, 17 C); digitus of volsella much shorter than cuspis, about half its length (Figs 17 A, 17 C); midventral process of penis valve present, elongate and strongly curved.

Species included. Bimaculatilla invreai (Suárez, 1958), comb. nov.

Distribution. Western Mediterranean basin (Spain and Morocco) (Fig. 36).