Cryptopsaras couesii Gill, 1883

Fig. 2

Cryptopsaras couesii Gill, 1883: 284 (type locality: off New York, U.S.A., western North Atlantic, 1686 fathoms [3083 m]). Pietsch, 2009: 329.

Material. HUMZ 194454 (1, 115 mm SL, female), st. 91, 3° 37.5 'N, 94 ° 53.4 'E, 3 ° 37.3 'N, 94 ° 54.9 'E, 760–769 m, off Sumatra, 29 Jun. 2005.

Description. Dorsal-fin rays 4; pectoral-fin rays 15; anal-fin rays 4; caudal-fin rays 8. Teeth on vomer 7 (4 on right side, 3 on left side). Head length 31.4 % SL; head depth 34.8; head width 13.3; illicial length 2.7; upper jaw length 20.1; lower jaw length 22.3.

Body slightly elongate, compressed, oval in lateral view. Mouth nearly vertical when closed. Sphenotic spines absent. Illicium very short, mostly hidden by esca. Three club-shaped caruncles just anterior to origin of dorsal-fin. Skin covered by tiny close-set dermal spines. Uniformly dark brown, inter-radial membranes of all fins transparent.

Distribution. Widespread in all three major oceans. Our specimen represents the first record from Indonesia.