Aforia magnifica (Strebel, 1908)

Figures 7 A–D

Surcula magnifica Strebel, 1908: 19, pl. 2, figs. 23 a–d.

Aforia magnifica (Strebel). Powell, 1951: 167, fig. M 91; 1958: 201; Dell, 1990: 231, figs. 411–412, 436; Hain, 1990: 69, pl. 7, figs. 8 a–c, pl. 26, figs. 1–2; Numanami et al., 1996: 211, 213, pl. 3, figs. 1, 4; Aldea and Troncoso, 2010: 139, fig. 139; Engl, 2012: 179, Pl. 73, fig. 2.

Type material. Lectotype, SMNH 1328, illustrated by Engl (2012, Pl. 73, fig. 2).

Type locality. Graham Region, 64 º03’S – 53 º 67 ’W, in 360 m depth.

Material examined. CNP-Inv. 1835, 1854 both from St. 2 CAV2014, 61º 6.952 ’S, 56 º 12.69 ’W, in 563–648 m depth, 2 specimens; CNP-Inv 620, St. 12 CAV2011, 61º 46 ’S, 58 º 26 ’W in 200 m, 1 specimen; CNP-Inv. 1960, St. 14 CAV2014, 63º 53.880 ’S, 61 º 52.823 ’W in 151 m depth, 1 specimen; CNP-Inv. 1952, St. 15 CAV2014, 63º 54.151 ’S, 62 º 7.686 ’W in 270 m depth; CNP-Inv. 1946, St. 17 CAV2014, 64º 1.564 ’S, 62 º 58.518 ’W, in 405–440 m depth, 1 specimen; CNP-Inv. 616, St. 19 CAV2011, 62° 52´S, 60 ° 36´W in 559 m; CNP-Inv. 1822, 1812, all from St. 19 CAV 2014, 64° 6.488 ’S, 63 ° 58.034 ’W in 559 m depth; CNP-Inv. 615, St. 20 CAV2011, 62º 47 ’S, 60 º 12 ’W in 200 m depth, 2 specimens; CNP-Inv. 1958, St. 21 CAV2014, 64º 44.693 ’S, 63 º 4.266 ’W in 326–370 m, 1 specimen; CNP-Inv. 614, 617, 618, 619, 2018, 2019 all from St. 22 CAV2011, 62º 43 ’S, 56 º 32 ’W in 200 m depth, 15 specimens. All the station are from several cruises to Antarctic Peninsula area on board of the RV “Puerto Deseado” during 2011 and 2014 field work; MACN-In 35052, 1 sp., Isla Baja, Antarctica; MACN-In 35049, 1 sp., 25 de mayo Is., South Shetland Is.; MLP 7470, 1 sp., South Orkneys.

Distribution. Circum-Antarctic (according to Aldea & Troncoso, 2010).

Remarks. The shell of this species is characterized by a single rounded carina along the whole shell and a second carina on the last whorl. The anal sinus has the angulation above the keel. The operculum is large, quadrangular, with terminal nucleus. Rachidian with a single large cusp and a subrectangular base. Marginal teeth duplex with major element together to a robust accessory limb, base attached to radular membrane and major element.