Published October 29, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Affective, physiological, and attention restoration at a wooden desk: A pilot study (Datasets and R analysis code)

  • 1. InnoRenew CoE & UP IAM
  • 2. InnoRenew CoE & UP FVZ


This entry contains datasets and R processing and analysis code for the article Affective, physiological, and attention restoration at a wooden desk: A pilot study.

The analysis primarily investigates how people respond to the Mental Arithmetic Task (MAT) in terms of their affective states and physiological arousal, and how their cognitive performance changes between two task administrations. The analysis also checks whether affective, physiological, and cognitive responses differ between settings furnished with or without wood. We base our analysis on self-reported affective states, captured physiological (electrodermal and cardiovascular) activity, and results on the cognitive task (i.e., MAT).


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InnoRenew CoE – Renewable materials and healthy environments research and innovation centre of excellence 739574
European Commission