Key to Fennoscandian species of Crypturgus

1. Dorsal side of pronotum reticulate, dull; female declivity with a tuft of hair-like setae...........................(2)

- Dorsal side of pronotum shiny; male and female declivity with individually placed setae..................... (3)

2. Strial punctures deep, interstriae sharply elevated and shiny. Dorsal side of pronotum with distinct punc- tures. Small patches with micro-sensillae present on female declivity ......................... Crypturgus cinereus

- Strial punctures shallow, interstriae gently rounded, micro-shagrinate and dull. Dorsal side of pronotum with sparse, obscure punctures. Patches with micro-sensillae on elytral declivity absent in both sexes..................................................................................................................................... Crypturgus subcribrosus

3. Elytral disc and sides with erect, long setae ............................................................... Crypturgus hispidulus

- Elytral disc glabrous, with rather few, fine setae close to the elytral margins ................ Crypturgus pusillus