Strigamia urania (Crabill, 1954) *

References for morphology: Crabill 1954 a.

Taxonomic notes. Described originally as a species of Tomotaenia (Korynia), it was cited as Korynia urania by Mercurio (2010). No other specimens have been recorded. It is assigned here to Strigamia for the first time (new combination), because it shares all major diagnostic features of this genus. It may actually be a junior synonym of S. texensis because the only characters by which it was considered to differ from the latter show variation between conspecific specimens (number of trunk segments) or change with growth (number of coxal pores), or are even affected by subjective evaluation (detection of frontal suture and sternal pores), as recognized for some of these characters by the Crabill himself (1954 a).

Distribution: known from a single locality in the Great Plains, Missouri.