Heterotanoides sp. FP#1

(Fig. 2)

Material examined. Preparatory (prep.) ♀, 1.28 mm, P. 102316, Stn 8-8.

Distribution. Ahurei Harbour, Rapa Iti, Bass (Austral) Islands, rubble, 2–17.7 m.

Remarks. Only a single specimen of this leptochelioid genus (Bird 2012) was recorded in this survey, precluding it from formal description. Although it has a close overall similarity (Fig. 2A–F) to its congeners (H. capensis Vanhöffen, 1914), H. cognatus Bamber & Bird, 1997, H. meridionalis Sieg, 1986a, H. muimui Bird, 2012, and H. ornatus Kudinova-Pasternak, 1976), it differs in having a character combination of: antennule article-3 with one subdistal aesthetasc (Fig. 2C), the cheliped palm with two ventral setae (Fig. 2D), and a two-segmented uropod exopod shorter than the endopod segment-1 (Fig. 2F). Of its congeners, the Heterotanoides species from Rapa Iti may be most like H. muimui from the northern region of the North Island, New Zealand (Bird 2012).