Chonelasma choanoides (Schulze & Kirkpatrick, 1910)

Material examined. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1910.10. 28.46, R.V. 'Gauss', stn 72, NW of Winter Station, Antarctica, 0 1 Mar. 1903, 66º02'09"S, 89 º 38 'E, 2450 m; ZMH S- 2938, RV. 'Gauss', stn 69, NW of Winter Station, Antarctica, 24 Feb. 1903, 66º02'09"S, 89 º 38 'E, 2725 m, ethanol; ANDEEP III material: SMF 10708, R.V. 'Polarstern', stn PS 67 / 133 - 2, Weddell Sea, Antarctica, 16 Mar. 2005, 62° 46.49 '– 46.38 'S, 53 °02.57'–03.50'W, 1584 – 1579 m, ethanol.

Description and remarks. Many small, fairly soft fragments of a probable single living specimen were obtained from the epibenthic sled at a single station. Spiculation conforms to that described in Reiswig and Mehl (1994). This species is widely distributed around Antarctica and throughout the Atlantic Ocean to Greenland; a symbiotic hydrozoan was noted on the ANDEEP III fragments, not previously mentioned in any of the extensive literature of this species. Janussen et al. (2004) reported this species from the Weddell Sea in their description of the ANDEEP II collections.