Bombus pascuorum maculatus Vogt, 1909

This is a mountain subspecies, spread from the Pyrenees until the Cantabrian Range, between 600 and 2300 m high. Hybrid forms have been observed in the Iberian System, Sierra de Béjar and Sierra de Guadarrama (Ornosa & Ortiz-Sánchez 2004). Castro (1994) considered it a hybrid form of B. pascuorum freygessneri and B. pascuorum dusmeti.

At present it has been collected in temperate oceanic Pyrenean forests and supraforestal pastures between 960 and 1992 m (Fig. 7), on Antirrhinum majus L., Buxus sempervirens L. Centaurea scabiosa L., Echium plantagineum (Nox.), Echium vulgare L., Eryngium bourgatii Gouan., Lotus corniculatus L., Medicago sativa L., Origanum vulgare L., Prunella vulgaris L., Reseda lutea L., Silene acaulis (L.) Jacq., Salvia pratensis L., Taraxacum officinale Wigg., Trifolium pratense L., Trifolium repens L. y Vicia cracca L.

According to the current data, this species is not regarded as being scarce or threatened (Table 2).

New records. Spain: Girona: Bellver de Cerdanya, 25-VII-2009, 3 workers, C. Ornosa leg., UCME; La Molina road, 25-VII-2009, 3 workers, C. Ornosa leg., UCME; La Molina, ski resort, 25-VII-2009, 3 workers, C. Ornosa leg., UCME; Ribes de Freser, VI-2009, 1 worker, P. Vargas leg.; 24-VII-2009, 4 workers, C. Ornosa leg., UCME. Huesca: Benasque, 15-VII-2011, 7 workers, C. Ornosa leg., UCME; Biescas, 10-VIII-2014, 1 male, 1 worker, P. Acosta leg., UMU; Canfranc, 3-VII-2006, 2 workers, C. Ornosa leg., UCME; Chía, Mirador, Valle de Benasque, 14-VII-2011, 3 workers, C. Ornosa leg., UCME; Formigal, ski resort, 9-VII-2009, 1 queen, C. Ornosa leg., UCME; Formigal, 9-VII-2009, 2 workers, C. Ornosa leg., UCME; Ordesa, Circo de Soaso, 8-VIII-2014, 1 worker, P. Acosta leg., UMU; Panticosa, 5-VI-2006, 1 worker, C. Ornosa leg., UCME; Peña Oroel, 2-V-2009, 1 queen, C. Ornosa leg., UCME; San Nicolás de Bujaruelo, 9-VIII-2014, 1 worker, P. De la Rúa leg., UMU; Selva de Oza, 10-VII-2009, 2 workers, C. Ornosa leg., UCME; Tramacastilla de Tena, 9-VII-2009, 4 workers, C. Ornosa leg., UCME; Vallibierna, 15-VII-2011, 7 workers, C. Ornosa leg., UCME; Zuriza, 10-VII-2 009, 4 workers, C. Ornosa leg., UCME; Zuriza track, 12-VIII-2014, 1 male, 1 worker, E. Acosta leg., UMU. Lleida: Artiga de Lin, 15-VIII-2 012, 2 males, 2 workers, P. De la Rúa leg. UMU; Castellvell de Solsona, 11-VIII-2012, 2 workers, P. De la Rúa leg.; UMU Grasslands between Estany Ratera and Estany Sant Maurici, 26-VII-2006, 4 workers, C. Ornosa leg., UCME; Ruda track, 10- VII-2014, 1 worker, C. Ornosa leg., UCME; Viella, 13-VIII-2012, 3 workers, P. De la Rúa leg., UMU.