Hippoglossoides elassodon Jordan & Gilbert, 1880. Flathead Sole. To 52 cm (20.5 in) TL (Fadeev 1987). Northern Sea of Japan, Sea of Okhotsk, Kuril Islands, south-eastern Kamchatka, and western and eastern Bering Sea, northward to East Siberian, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas, and eastward to Bathurst Inlet, south of Dease Strait (68°20’N, 107°41’W), Nunavut (Mecklenburg et al. 2016), and Bering Sea, and Commander–Aleutian Chain to Monterey, central California (Allen and Smith 1988); one record from near La Jolla (32°55.2’N, 117°17.6’W), southern California (NWFSC-FRAM). Benthic; depth: intertidal to 1,050 m (3,445 ft) (min.: Kussakin et al. 1997; max.: Allen and Smith 1988). These data include records from Hippoglossoides robustus Gill & Townsend, 1897, considered a junior synonym by us based on data in Mecklenburg et al. (2018). However, recently also as H. robustus (Alfonso in Coad and Reist 2018, Saveliev et al. 2019, Forster et al. 2020).