Glyptocephalus zachirus Lockington, 1879. Longfin Sole, Rex Sole, or Witch Sole. To 61 cm (24 in) TL (Kramer et al. 1995). Northern Kuril Islands (Orlov et al. 2002) to Commander Islands, and western Bering Sea, to Navarin Canyon, and Aleutian Islands, eastern Bering Sea, and Gulf of Alaska (Mecklenburg et al. 2002), to Todos Santos (23°24.6’N, 110°13.8’W), southern Baja California (Personal communication: Scripps Institution of Oceanography Fish Collection, La Jolla, California). Benthic; depth: 0–1,237 m (0–4,057 ft) (min.: Kramer et al. 1995; max.: NWFSC-FRAM).